Turris Omnia 2022

I have the original Turris 1.0. I started considering getting Turris Omnia for a new apartment about a year ago, but having seen the 2022 model announced, I decided I would wait and get that once it comes out. However, I get the feeling from the discussion here that the release is still a long time ahead. Should I just “bite the bullet” and get the 2020 model?

Get the classical Omnia and sell it once 2022(+) is released. I guarantee you it won’t be by the end of 2022 (based on what I heard and saw in June). Add the current chip crisis and it can quite easily be TO 2024+.

Maybe it’s time to rename it to Turris Omnia 2? :smiley:


1.0 is well supported still. I doubt you’re missing much.

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Yes, my Turris 1.0 is up to date and still works great. The new Omnia would be for another location.

This is the impression I got from the article I linked in my previous post:

There’s a complete drought of Turris Omnia’s where I live and I really need one now. Maybe I should build my own using a Raspberry PI + switch + USB to ethernet adapter.

The truth is that no all-new Omnia is likely to come out.


Not true, new products are being designed and prepared. Successor to the Turris Omnia - the 8 antennas beast - is taking longer than we expected due to various changes that we made during the design. But we have other products in the works and off-course we are also planning some updates to the current products. But unfortunately with components lead time, path from prototypes to to the mass production is nowadays quite long. And to be honest, revealing new products during summer break is also not a stellar idea :wink:


I plan to buy the Turris Omnia 2020 when i read about next generation 2022 throught this post.
I don’t want to buy the 2020 1 month before the omnia 2022 coming out.
I understand how difficult is it to make some announce about the date. But can you confirm that 2022 still the the goal?

I’m very confident that it can’t come out within one month. (but I can’t make any official statements; I’m not even from the Turris team anyway)


I thought that the “2022” model (maybe better call it “the next generation” until it is done after which we can always call it omnia22, 23, 24, …) has not reached mass production, and might not even be fully finalized, so 1 month is extremely unlikely, heck even 6 months would be surprising (not for finalizing the design, but for volume production to have proceeded far enough to start sales) from my totally outside perspective…

I guess the good thing is that the omnia’s original design was/is pretty well rounded and will scale decently up to 1 Gbps internet access links (with bi directional SQM only around 500/500, but that is still impressive for an 8? year old design). So even for today’s links is the omnia 20 IMHO a decent router choice.


I think that in the past I read some comments from team that 2022 will not be relased anytime soon as there is still lack of supply for chips and other problems, also team efforts now are on release of TOS 6 and to develop TOS for new device will be extraordinary effort. So I think Turris 2022 will not be here anytime soon. If I can suggest go get Omnia right now it is super cool device and you will have a plenty of opportunities to play with that. It is super stable and as TOS 6 HBK will soon to come into HBS it will be soon to ready for production IMHO. I was running TOS 6 HBL since about march and its child diseases are being adressed and I could see the development in progress as it updates some day even couple time a day so it is under heavy development but also already stable enough.


In the case of software and hardware development, these are other persons.


My suggestion: buy a used one on ebay or on this forum (or somewhere else). The device is super robust and you can upgrade it to Wi-Fi6 and 2,5 GBE with the upcoming TOS v6.
I bought two TO (Indiegogo-versions) for 150/105€ on eBay and did those upgrades to have the best router+ access points available with free open source firmware.
TO"2022" will for sure play in its own league (with no competitors at all), but with the mentioned upgrades TO2016(!) is still amongst the top 5 of available routers (and second hand perhaps the cheapest).

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If you are going to buy a used one, watch out for eMMC.

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Dear Turris Team,
Please consider real shutdown button - as currently when power goes down and in case of UPS -there is no way to shutdown router in order to protect integrity of data that could be corrupted due to power outage as happened to me recently with Omnia.

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So you can log into the router and call halt on the command line if I understand correctly, but having a button in the GUI would be nice…

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And what does it exactly do in Omnia?

macosx:~ user$ ping -c 5
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.714 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.974 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.073 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.944 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.777 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.974/1.696/2.073/0.383 ms
macosx:~ user$ ssh root@
 Warning: Changes performed using anything other than
 official web interface reForis are not covered by
 Turris support team unless instructed!

BusyBox v1.30.1 () built-in shell (ash)

      ______                _         ____  _____
     /_  __/_  ____________(_)____   / __ \/ ___/
      / / / / / / ___/ ___/ / ___/  / / / /\__ 
     / / / /_/ / /  / /  / (__  )  / /_/ /___/ / 
    /_/  \__,_/_/  /_/  /_/____/   \____//____/  
 TurrisOS 5.4.4, Turris Omnia
root@turris:~# halt
root@turris:~# Connection to closed by remote host.
Connection to closed.
macosx:~user$ pwd
macosx:~user $ ping -c 5
PING ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss
macosx:~user $ 

After the halt command all LEDs brighten up and stay that way and the ssh connection times out. To get the router back I need to switch the PSU off/on.

Do you think the HDD writes are stopped as well? Is there no risk to btrfs then?

As far as I can see this causes a normal Linux shutdown, but I can not guarantee for anything. I did however use that method occasionally in the past and so far did not encounter btrfs corruption/issues. But again, I am making no guarantees for your use case.