Turris MOX, no RTC battery?

I opened up my Turris MOX after a long time, and I noticed that I don’t have an RTC battery in it!

But it should have a battery in it, as shown at


This explains why my Turris MOX never kept the time after poweroff, as previously discussed in


But how come my Turris MOX (module A, 1G RAM) does not have the battery?

Funny, I went through MOX hw documentation (and cited threads) - there is no exact specification of type of RTC battery :frowning:

You have to ask support for it :wink:

PS I don’t like to disassembly my MOX (you better don’t do it too often, as plastic case lock could broke) and take out RTC battery only to check its type. Sorry.

It’s not about the type of battery, compare the picture on

to my photo:

It finally explained the mysterious behavior I’ve been observing for 5 years, since December 2019.

But now it is a new mystery - why does my MOX not have the battery at all? I bought it like this.

And it makes me wonder if the lack of the battery is the reason why my MOX has been having the famous reboot issue, maybe it’s related?

It seems even more funny - whole RTC battery compartment is missing! You had very bad luck with your MOX :frowning:

You really had to contact support.

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Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience with our product. Please get in touch with our support desk via e-mail info@turris.cz. We will try to help you. Best regards Marcela Turris Support Team