Cant open the web interface on either.
The manual suddenly uses a Draytek router or something? Makes no sense.
I tried connecting to the modem directly via ethernet, but cannot access or .2.1.
This should normally work afaik, but if I can configure this in the router it is fine too. I read somewhere that the modem doesnt store any usernames and passwords.
That is likely not going to work… you need the username and password that Vodafone either send you by snail mail or that maybe can be accessed on-line from their web site.
Likely your MOX uses the same subnet wich is not really going to work…
They are required by law to supply the necessary information even before activating your link… I bet they follow that law (TKG) close enough not to be in open violation, check your mail/email and their customer on-line service…
Look here:
Modem-Installations-Code bzw. Zugangsdaten finden Sie im Willkommensbrief, den Ihnen Vodafone vor der Freischaltung Ihres Anschlusses zugesandt hat. Falls Sie keine Zugangsdaten erhalten haben, wenden Sie sich an Vodafone.
what you are mixing up here is the fact the “modem” CAN also be used as a router. you really should access the UI at least once and check if the firewall and dns is disabled.
you can then chose if you enter the vlan7 tag (and probably also your credentials) in the modem or in the omnia. i would definitely chose the latter, because that way you never have to touch the modem again once it´s set in dumb “modem only” mode.
As n8mahr already pointed out: Some providers also make use of a tagged VLAN for their dial-in-connection. In my case (not Vodafone) VLAN7 is used. Thus I had to create a VLAN-Device (802.1q) first on my MOX (for instance eth0.7). Then I added the PPoE-Connection for this device.
This depends on the vigor, either the vigor passes VLAN tags on, then you need to configure mox to use eth0.7 for wan (assuming eth0 is the wan interface), or if the vigor sets the VLAN tag you likely need no to set it on the mox.
Set IP of the modem to ex. and then add interface on mox in WAN zone with IP ex. and some name like modem and you should be able to access mox and modem at the same time from LAN
Yes it seems the vigor does save passwords and I need to configure the things in there? At least Vodafone told me that.
I have reset it, maybe that was not done before.
I will again try to connect to it, set my credentials there etc.
In the meanwhile Vodafone has locked and unlocked my connection twice as it seems the modem always sends the old credentials.
They even researched my MOX router but not the modem, which is odd, as the modems docs page really said that the modem does not save credentials itself…