MOX, Draytek Vigor 130 DSL modem setup, PPOE

again, as i wrote before - you CAN enter your credentials (and also vlan if needed) in the vigor. it has the option, because it is a router, not only a modem. BUT i would not do that but set it into “dumb” modem mode. instead, enter all credentials and also vlan (if needed) in the omnia.

just use reForis (instead of LUCI) to enter the data under network < WAN . it already has the option to activate vlan with a mouseclick. easy as that.


Thanks, yes I found that too.

@n8mahr yes I understood this now too.

So summary:

  • the modem has 2 modes. The default one is the one I dont want, where I would need to enter the credentials in the modem
  • i need to access the WebUI of that shitty modem to configure it
  • the modem wants my laptop to have a IP address. Maybe some security thing??

I did that, using following commands

nmcli device modify LAN ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual

nmcli device reapply LAN


nmcli con modify $(nmcli -t -f NAME c show --active) ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual && nmcli con up $(nmcli -t -f NAME c show --active)

The issue is, KDE tells me I am connected but I cannot access the modem. ping does not work, firefox and brave in most insecure modes, system dns, http etc. dont work.

I even tried a fedora live USB, so default configs, still doesnt work.

So, I cannot access the webUI to enter the credentials, and I also cannot access the webUI to switch to bridge mode… damn

I might try using Windows or something?? Maybe it is that weird?

I now tried disabling NetworkManager and adding the connection manually

sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager
sudo ip addr flush dev enp0s20f0u1c2
sudo ip addr add dev enp0s20f0u1c2
sudo ip link set enp0s20f0u1c2 up

Now ping works without packet loss, but FF still displays no webUI

I tried setting a default MAC address, using the user agent of an old Firefox browser, disabling my firewall, nothing.

I contacted the seller of that modem and am looking for alternatives that are below 30€.

Can FritzBox DSL routers be flashed with OpenWRT and used in bridge mode? Those are very abundant, for example the 7430 which is way faster than the expensive DrayTek modems I could find, not to mention the zyxel ones.

i use a zyxel modem vmg 3006. vmg 4005 is also a pretty good alternative. earlier i used a speedport neo in bridge mode, worked very well. i bought the neo for less than 10 euro. i think its still lying around :wink:

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The docs were wrong… the modem does NOT allow using a 192.168.2.x IP.

Instead setting a 192.168.1.x IP solves this.


1. Dont connect the modem

In my case I assume the modem sent the credentials of the owner to Vodafone, and I got blocked after 4 (!!) tries.

So dont connect it to the DSL port before configuring it

2. set it to bridge mode

This is awfully strange, no idea if that is supposed to be security by obscurity or something.

ip link show
#get name of ethernet connection

ip link set <NAME> down
ip addr flush dev <NAME>
ip addr add dev <NAME>
ip link set <DEV> up


Now in the web interface I can fumble around, disable as much as possible and set it to bridge mode. Only then can you control login credentials and network VLAN through the OpenWRT interface.

3. Setup the router

Note that Vodafone when using Telekom DSL cables also requires this “tagged device”.

After the modem was set to bridge mode, it can just be added in LuCI like this, I think

Is this correct?

  1. Open Network interfaces settings
  2. (Optional: remove the WAN interface)
  3. Add a new interface, name it “DSL” or something
  4. Set the device for it, dont choose one but choose the Ethernet port of your WAN port (with the MOX eth0, with the Omnia eth2) and add a “.7” at the end. type that into the bottom field “custom connection”
  5. Select the firewall zone “WAN” to allow it

Until now, this still didnt work.

I opened a new thread


So I am in the modem setup.

What is best, 1483 Bridged IP LLC or 1483 Bridged IP VC-Mux? VC-Mux should have less overhead but might not be supported, I guess I would just get no connection then?

I enabled bridge mode now, connected the MOX, selected the device, did the setup, still getting the USER_REQUEST error.

So this eth0.7 is really how you setup such a device? Alternatively it seems that I could use the modems settings which seem to address this scenario. But I am not sure how this would impact security and speed (the modem is EOL)

Honestly this DSL stuff is killing me, I have no idea if they just blocked me again.

Also, as the Modem is using, where do I need to change something to make it work with the Router that also uses ?

regarding vlan and modem settings, it´s best to contact your dsl provider. they can tell you the correct settings. i attached a screenshot how it should look in reForis IF you are with a telekom or a reseller.

concearning the modem being eol, why don´t you buy a more recent one with up to date manuals and stuff? i know money is short, but it would probably make setting it up easier for you. who knows if the modem is using outdated blobs that aren´t good, anyways?
IF you really care for “less overhead” and such, that is a thing to consider.

if you have any further questions or want to continue this convo in german, write me a pm.

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Then there is IP confict and stuff might work not reliable. Change IP of the modem as I proposed OR change IP of the MOX but its a bit more click to do.

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That, change the MOX away from as everybody and their dog defaults to that “IPv4-prefix” so picking something else, while a tad more work than not doing it, can be a longer-term more comfortable solution…

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Cool didnt know you could set this in reForis too!

So I would try to set this up again, delete the WAN interface in luci and set it up in reForis, maybe I messed something up here.

Also thinking about splitting this thread about separate issues

This is how I have configered the “tagged VLAN” thing in LUCI


I changed the LAN address of the MOX to in reForis, I think that’s it?

Have to check if it works

I dont know if changing it in reforis takes into consideration for example editing option 6 for DHCP and also if you had some static leases for devices you would have to update that to new subnet

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