Turris OS 7.1 is out!

Dear Turris users,

We just release Turris OS 7.1 into the wild! There are two big changes.

One is that we are migrating the default firewall to Firewall4 that is based on nftables and we are also migrating all the Turris Sentinel integration over. If you had some iptables based manual scripts, those will stop working now and would need to be migrated manually. Anything that you configured through LuCI should work same as before.

Migration will be done only after reboot of the router. Till then you will be unable to modify your firewall settings.

Other change is a big refresh of reForis user interface. Changes are mainly under the hood. Everything should be faster and better and newer, but there is also a new kick-ass feature. We have a dark mode now! So give it a try, come to the dark side :wink:

As this is quite a big change, we are releasing it using staging updates over the next week. So don’t worry if you don’t have it today, it will come, give it some time.


I’m glad I got that update today.

And what TOS 9?

TO 2016, HBS branch, 2 GB, SSD 256 GB (logs etc.), 2x WiFi, HaaS, RIPE Atlas, Sentinel, lxc (test), simple config, all seems OK.

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Turris Omnia 2GB, 1 TB SSD. All seems okay.

Funily Omnia told me I can update now. I said YES!
instead I got 7.0.3 that was scheduled months before but i declined.
I dont think this is the way its intended to work…

Until it is your time to update to 7.1, your router will stick to the previous version. But we will look into why it triggered a new notification. Thank you for reporting that.

This does not include custom rules (last tab at Network → Firewall), right?

My box did the automatic update and notified me to restart. And now I can no longer connect to it.

I also got a notification, but I guess that’s not for 7.1:

Update notifications
Your approval is required to apply pending updates. You can grant it in the reForis administrative interface in the ‘Package Management — Updates’ menu.
• Install sentinel-dynfw-client 1.4.0-19
• Remove sentinel-dynfw-c-client-iptables
• Remove libdynfw

I will wait for the next notification…

After update to 7.1.0, the main page (portal) doesn’t display apps anymore such as reforis, luci, but instead “Expected JSON, got null” message.

Any idea how to solve this issue?

I tried:

  • multiple browsers
  • empty cache
  • restarted omnia turris
  • removed some apps on the portal such as pakon
  • probably not relevant, but resource /favicon.ico has a code 404

What seems to work well:

  • Reforis does work as expected so far with direct path /reforis/
  • Luci does work as expected so far with direct path /cgi-bin/luci/admin and login does work on luci.
  • Network+firewall does work as expected so far (inclusive my previous working VLAN configurations and traffic rules)
  • SSH connection and manual execution of pkgupdate works and show expected INFO:Target Turris OS: 7.1.0
  • Log file is clean from warning and error (therefore nothing to report here)


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Turris 1.1, po aktualizaci na 7.1 (a restartu) nefunkční DHCP server, ostatní se zdálo O.K., protože se mi nepodařilo během 1/2 hoďky vyřešit, tak návrat zpět na 7.0.3


Same thing happened to me but I am on Turris 1.x

Omnia 2017, 1GB RAM, Wifi MT7915E+AR9287, 256GB mSATA, latest mcu and u-boot: Updated w/o any issues, big thanks! I could finally get rid of custom fw3 scripts for IPv6 masq+dnat, because fw4 supports it directly.

Aktualizace na Turris 1. (modrák) . Po aktualizaci na 7.1 nefunkční internet. DNS resolver nefunguje, ale ani zapnutí předávání na DNS poskytovatele nebo jiný (Google, Cloudflare) nefunguje. Ping na IP adresu v Internetu je v pořádku. Nefunguje překlad adres. Návrat zpět na 7.0.3

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Ah, the MOX classic just went over, only F2Ban seems to be using still old rules.
Edit : solved here > Turris OS 7.1.0 is in RC now! - #44 by peci1
After ( !) clearing browsers cache, reforis works fine.

Hmm, on the view.sentinel data URL it has stopped.
Cant save sentinel settings in Reforis.

Nov 22 15:19:00 turris sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:89] Valid certificate found
Nov 22 14:19:03 turris procd: Instance sentinel-minipot::instance1 pid 18191 not stopped on SIGTERM, sending SIGKILL instead

When trying to save sentinel settings, reforis locks up after 2 or 3 times trying.


What is the correct way to install ‘netmetr’?
I got this error:

Error notifications
Updater execution failed:
INFO:Target Turris OS: 7.1.0
line not found
inconsistent: Requested package netmetr that is not available.
line not found

Current version is: VERSION=“7.0.3”

best regards


Update on my Turris v1.1 fails with following error:

Updater execution failed:

Stack Traceback


(1) Lua function '?' at line 57 of chunk '"logging"]'

	Local variables:

	 err = string: "[string \"transaction\"]:334: [string \"transaction\"]:142: Collisions:\

• /sbin/logread: syslog-ng (existing-file), logd (new-file)"

	 err2string = Lua function '?' (defined at line 38 of chunk "logging"])

	 msg = string: "\

[string \"transaction\"]:334: [string \"transaction\"]:142: Collisions:\

• /sbin/logread: syslog-ng (existing-file), logd (new-file)"

	 (*temporary) = table: 0xb2337930  {msg:

[string "transaction"]:334: [string "transaction"]:142: Collisions:

• /sbin/logread: syslog-ng (existing-file), logd (new-file) (more...)}

(2)  C function 'function: 0xb2a47690'

(3) upvalue C function 'error'

(4) Lua function '?' at line 334 of chunk '"transaction"]'

	Local variables:

	 operations = nil

	 journal_status = table: 0xb2a45930  {}

	 run_state = table: 0xb7261cb0  {initialized:true, init:function: 0xb7261e30, lfile:userdata: 0xb71a9ba8 (more...)}

	 step = Lua function '?' (defined at line 276 of chunk "transaction"])

	 dir_cleanups = table: 0xb1948070  {1:/usr/share/updater/unpacked//updater-gkOHKf, 2:/usr/share/updater/unpacked//updater-pNfGBj (more...)}

	 status = table: 0xb71a9bf0  {shadow-groupmod:table: 0xb71a9cb0, rainbow-animator:table: 0xb7257ae0, libevent2:table: 0xb722db30 (more...)}

	 errors_collected = table: 0xb2a45a20  {}

	 ok = boolean: false

	 err = string: "[string \"transaction\"]:142: Collisions:\

• /sbin/logread: syslog-ng (existing-file), logd (new-file)"

(5) tail call

	Local variables:

	 (*temporary) = C function: 0xb2a47690

(6) Lua function '?' at line 425 of chunk '"transaction"]'

	Local variables:

	 queue_cp = table: 0xb724e3b0  {1:table: 0xb194b910, 2:table: 0xb194ba30, 3:table: 0xb2b99e60, 4:table: 0xb2a489f0 (more...)}

	 (*temporary) = Lua function '?' (defined at line 402 of chunk "transaction"])
Unknown error (Exit code: -6)

Netmetr has been discontinued… I believe the servers have been retired so not much one can do there…

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Switch to librespeed.

Please tag v7.1.0 on your gitlab

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