Turris OS 7.1.1 is rolling out!

Dear Turris users,

We just released a Turris OS 7.1.1! It contains a few fixes for Turris OS 7.1.0. Namely, it reinstalls libevent2 as it helps on Turris 1.x with unbound. We also made json parsing more robust in Turris Webapps (initial landing page on your router). There is also a little bit of extra polishing of LibreSpeed plugin in reForis. Take a look :wink:

This should address a few issues people encountered in 7.1.0. We are looking into other things people reported and are working on more things to be polished in 7.1.2, but we wanted to release those few fixes that we have soon - within next three days via staging updates.


What about DNS problem when devices cannot reach the internet?

Is this fixed, can I allow updates again?

That should be the Unbound issue on Turris 1.X mentioned in the release notes.

TO 2016, HBS branch, 2 GB, 2x WiFi, HaaS, RIPE Atlas, Sentinel, lxc, SSD (logs etc), simple config, all seems OK.

(reboot was not required, rebooted anyway :wink:

Also valid for Omnia, right?

Omnia uses Knot Resolver, not Unbound. What DNS problem do you mean?

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This one: Turris OS 7.1 is out! - #105 by michalko58

Thank you, we will look at it.

Jukněte prosím take na uPNP, když nechám miniupnpd-nftables, po manuálním spuštění v LuCi funguje. Pouku nechám proběhnout požadovaný upgrade:
“Updater žádá o autorizaci akcí. Autorizaci můžete přidělit v administračním rozhraní reForis v záložce ‘Správa balíčků — Aktualizace’.
• Install miniupnpd-iptables 2.3.3-1
• Remove miniupnpd-nftables”

Pak uPNP nefunguje, nebo nejsem schopen ho rozchodit. Když jej odnistaluji a nainstaluji pomocí reForis, pak je nefunkční, protože mám jen miniupnpd-iptables a ne miniupnpd-nftables.

Mentioned that already didnt make it to that RC😉

ok, this solved the crashing of reforis after saving sentinel and or haas settings.
Still can’t save them ( time out red bar on top) but at least it does not crash :slight_smile:

Aren’t you on Windows? Some antiviruses cause timeouts in reforis.

Well, i have 1 7.1.1 TO, and a 7.1.o Mox. The mox is still crashing, the TO isn’t.
So i think it is the fix/update?

You said on 7.1.1 you no longer have crashes, but you have timeouts instead. I say the timeouts might be caused by Windows antiviruses. But it can of course also be something else.

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Fix is on the way… :slight_smile:

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ok, tried it on a ubuntu VM, same, tried it on a ios pad, same.
oh, and after trying that, it crashes. Hmmmm.

Just to double check:

# /etc/init.d/foris-controller status

If its not running make sure its enabled and started

When I saw this screen, I had to clear the browser history, or cookies, and reload the page.

Interesting. if i save sentinel settings 2 x, it crashes, but in the cmd
, the status is running.

it keeps giving the timeout btw

and this happpens when i try to save sentinel settings in the syslog :slight_smile:

Dec 3 12:56:51 turrisx sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:89] Valid certificate found
Dec 3 11:56:54 turrisx procd: Instance sentinel-minipot::instance1 pid 10117 not stopped on SIGTERM, sending SIGKILL instead
Dec 3 12:57:16 turrisx sentinel: INFO [certgen.action_spec_init:89] Valid certificate found

same here. But something is still wrong with the whole haas & sentinel part here.
Basically waiting for support to have a look, otherwise a factory reset , and see if that might clear things up.