Turris OS 5.0 is released!

Which drivers are you using?

hbs, thatā€™s why the update pops out for me

v4l stands for video4linuxā€¦ do you use some video device with your router?

I tried some chinese camera, that could be.

Package portmap was removed in favor of rpcbind in OpenWrt packages feed. So it was enough to run opkg remove portman and packages which depend on it. if you would like to use nfs-kernel-server, please install it once you finish update to Turris OS 5.0.

Package v4l-utils is still present in OpenWrt, but in our case, the package was not compiled and we will try to look at it in the next fixup releases. For now as in the case of portman. It is enough to run opkg remove v4l-utils.

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This package comes from OpenWrt packages feed as it is. We are not maintainers of it. You already mention that in a separated thread - SSLH package config changed - Testing branches - Turris forum, which you created. Please donā€™t make duplicated posts and threads about that. This needs to be fixed in OpenWrt and it was pointed out that it was fixed in OpenWrt master branch, but it was not included in the stable release and looking into the pull request: sslh: add transparent proxy support by sgabe Ā· Pull Request #12280 Ā· openwrt/packages Ā· GitHub you can see progress.

And what you are trying to say with your post and all outputs? I am able not able to see question nor issue.

This package was removed in OpenWrt 19.07. There was a similar thread on OpenWrt forum:
19.07.0, zip package cannot be installed - Installing and Using OpenWrt - OpenWrt Forum because zip was added to main repository of OpenWrt as host package, which conflicted which was in packages feed. However even the package zip was renamed to infozip in this commit:
zip: rename package to infozip to avoid name collision with tools by hnyman Ā· Pull Request #11202 Ā· openwrt/packages Ā· GitHub

However, lately it was removed infozip: remove package (earlier name: zip) Ā· openwrt/packages@c1201a9 Ā· GitHub

Some people are suggesting to use bsdtar.

@Pepe thank you for reply. Sorry for repat of sslh issue, I thought if you know about this it will be possible to cherrypick fix for next release, but if not it is not big deal. I will try to fix it myself and probably learn something on the way. I expect you are probably wait for real problems and errors after release and this probably is not something that demands any attention.

Also sorry for posting such long message it was just to inform that on my system switch-branch from HBT to HBS was not as smooth as I would expect as there was some problems

  1. localrepo that was not presented in my system before and I seen this problem first time after last update on HBT and then before update to HBS. When this issue appeared I deleted old localrepo folder packages as there was old packages from TOS3 in hope it will disappear with update but not. Not sure if it is and issue.

  2. After switch-branch hbs and running pkgupdate stuck at firsts and get me back to command line instead started normal updated proces. It is not clear as first block of text I can se it now, my fault. Only after remove wpad and restart pkupdate went to normal process of schnapps, download, preupdate, post update and my system receveid the updates. I thought it is an issue as it prevented automatic update but maybe not.

I upgraded with ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct-htt installed, and then try to switch to ath10k-firmware-qca988x with no change in behavior.

OK. The upgrade went smoothly, I wasnā€™t really using the zip package anyway since I use mostly XZ for compression in my scripts, and thereā€™s unzip to handle decompression in case Iā€™d need it.

If it works for you, you might want to stay using it. If you donā€™t mind that may not receive any updates as it is not maintained so much by its developers.

A post was merged into an existing topic: TOS 5 upgrade changes router hostname (Samba 4 troubles)

A post was merged into an existing topic: Optional migration from Turris OS 3.x for advanced users

From changelog (between TOS 3 and TOS 5):

Webcam package list was dropped.

What does that mean? Shall my webcam still work in 5.0? Or what are the consequences? Thanks!

That package https://repo.turris.cz/omnia/lists/webcam.lua encompasses

Install("kmod-video-uvc", { priority = 40 })
Install("fswebcam", "motion", "ffmpeg", { priority = 40 })

All of which are available in 5.x. Check whether those are installed in 5.x and if not install manually.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Optional migration from Turris OS 3.x for advanced users

Well, I have decided to go through 4-LED reset on my Omnia to get fresh HBS. I was on HBK before. My configuration is not very complicated, but quite specific (non standard wifi card WLE1216V5-20, NAS, some VLAN), so I have made backup of some /etc/config files for easier migration. Here is my experience:

Initial setup wizard is much much better than on 3.x.
I had to install candela tech drivers for my 5GHz card to support 160MHZ channel - via LuCI, which went fine.
After copying of settings from backup files, everything went smooth (Samba, Network settings, Wifi).
Whole AdBlock configuration can be made via LuCI - this is giant step from 3.x.

Only problems are:

Foris and reForis have still problem with 160MHz channels. This is known for long time.
WiFi LED for 5GHz card is not working, even when wifi works. This is very strange, because on HBK it was working fine.
5GHz WiFi output power can be set only to auto. When something else is set, wifi is not working (same as on HBK).

So far I am satisfied. It should be fine to add AdBlock configuration into initial setup wizard. :wink:

It means that we are no longer providing a webcam package list in the Updater tab, which you can find in Foris/reForis. For someone, it could be that if it is in Foris/reForis, we are supporting it, which might not be true in some cases. Even those packages might be still included in OpenWrt, you will no longer find them in Foris/reForis.

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Thank you for the explanation

A post was split to a new topic: Turris OS in QEMU