Turris OS 3.11.6 is being released into RC phrase

Dear Turris users,

We just released Turris OS 3.11.6 in RC. In this release for Turris Omnia owners, there is updated Knot Resolver to version 4.1.0. We also added support for second IP address in predefined DNS server you can forward your DNS requests to. And as usual, some package updates including security fixes.

Full release notes:
• iptables: security update (CVE-2019-11360)
• knot-resolver, netdata, youtube-dl, foris, syslog-ng, wireguard, python-idna: update
• resolver-conf: add secondary IP for DNS server (IPv4 and IPv6)
• turris-netboot: minor fixes and add parameter force to regen command
• dev-detect: introduce a new lightweight version of pakon-dev-detect (opt-in)
• python[3]: fix for CVE-2018-20852

We will appreciate any feedback regarding this release.


Turris 1.0, upgrade to RC 3.11.6


INFO:Running postinst of luci-app-mjpg-streamer
INFO:Running postinst of luci-app-statistics
configfile: stat (/etc/collectd/conf.d) failed: No such file or directory
Could not find plugin disk.
Found a configuration for the disk' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn 't register a configuration callback. Found a configuration for thedisk’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn ‘t register a configuration callback.
Found a configuration for the disk' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn 't register a configuration callback. rrdtool plugin: RRASingle = true: creating only AVERAGE RRAs Could not find plugin df. Found a configuration for thedf’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn’t register a configuration callback.
Found a configuration for the df' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn't register a configuration callback. Found a configuration for thedf’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn’t register a configuration callback.
Found a configuration for the df' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn't register a configuration callback. Could not find plugin uptime. Output from luci-app-statistics.postinst: configfile: stat (/etc/collectd/conf.d) failed: No such file or directory Could not find plugin disk. Found a configuration for thedisk’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn ‘t register a configuration callback.
Found a configuration for the disk' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn 't register a configuration callback. Found a configuration for thedisk’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn ‘t register a configuration callback.
rrdtool plugin: RRASingle = true: creating only AVERAGE RRAs
Could not find plugin df.
Found a configuration for the df' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn't register a configuration callback. Found a configuration for thedf’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn’t register a configuration callback.
Found a configuration for the df' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn't register a configuration callback. Found a configuration for thedf’ plugin, but the plugin isn’t loaded or didn’t register a configuration callback.
Could not find plugin uptime.
INFO:Running postinst of luci-app-tinyproxy
INFO:Running postinst of luci-app-transmission

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Na Turrisu 1.x vše v pohodě.
Na Omnii mi to vymazalo adresář /srv/www, ve kterém jsem měl nahrané soubory mojí webové homepage.

Jednoduchá konfigurace OK :wink:

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Upgrade went smooth. Every service seems to work fine.
Didn’t do reboot yet.

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The upgrade broke on my custom kresd config (mostly my fault :slight_smile: )

— workaround for https://github.com/dns-violations/dns-violations/blob/master/2018/DVE-2018-0003.md
trust_anchors.negative = { ‘postbank.de’ }

had to comment out the trust_anchor.negative and resolver worked again. now I have to figure our the new syntax…


You shouldn’t need to. The new kresd version has a built-in workaround for this DVE issue. (One that does not require selectively turning off DNSSEC validation.)

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I updated and everything still works

Thank you for reporting such an issue. I saw that you have been struggling with the same issues with collectd in past. I admit that it doesn’t look good and it will be good when the messages disappeared.

However, updating collectd to the newer version in Turris OS 3.x release is a really complicated and most probably won’t be solved. As it requires to also update some dependencies and it breaks things completely. We tried that in the past and it doesn’t go well.

This issue is already solved once for all in Turris OS 4.x/5.x.


trust_anchors.negative was replaced with trust_anchors.set_insecure()

Other changes between 3.x and 4.x version of knot-resolver are described here:

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Po update Turris 1.1 přestalo fungovat odesílání záznamů firewallu …
Záznamy (log) z brány firewall: Neznámý stav

U mě to bude asi podobné … updatoval jsem svůj Turris 1.0 včera večer a dnes ráno mi přišla emailová hláška o výpadcích: uCollect 0 hodin, firewall 5 hodin.
To by tak asi odpovídalo době po updatu.
Uvidíme, co přijde za výpadkovou hlášku zítra ráno (o dnešku … očekávám uCollect 0 hod., firewall 24 hod.)

EDIT DNES: Mohl bych zastupovat vědmu :slight_smile:
Dnešní mailová hláška: Během předchozího dne byly u Vašeho routeru zaznamenány následující výpadky:

Firewall: 24 hodin
uCollect: 0 hodin
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U mě jje to stejné, zpráva o výpadku… 5 hodin…

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If the last 3 posts are talking about Turris 1.x routers, we know what could be the culprit and we will look at it. Most likely it is related to this issue:


Can you please also implement this small feature?
it’s very simple to activate and the functionality is already there.

Turris OS 3.11.6 RC2 is out just for Turris 1.x routers! Release for Turris Omnia will follow tomorrow.

The changelog between RC1 and RC2:

  • reverted update of syslog-ng and disabled geoip2 support due to compile issues, which are happening on Turris 1.x.
  • Foris: PPPoE credentials are now mandatory.

Turris 1.1 po instalaci 3.11.6 RC2 má opět funkční odesílání záznamů firewallu, ale musel jsem opravit /var/etc/unbound/unbound.conf, chyběl kus řádku, viz.:

/etc/unbound/unbound.conf:2: error: unknown keyword 'al-data-ptr'
Po doplnění na :
'local-data-ptr' .....
a restartu resolveru už vypadá vše OK. Co se s tím stalo, netuším, mohu případně zaslat logy / diagnostiku, mám odloženo.

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Já takový záznam v souboru unbound.conf nemám … tak je to pravděpodobně nějaký překlep z Tvého “doplňku”

Být to můj překlep, ani nepípnu a opravím si ve zdroji, ale tohle se mi stalo po aktualizaci na RC2 a restartu , předtím na RC1 se toto nestalo, a to byl minimálně 1 restart…
Mám ve Foris / DNS zaplé Registrovat DHCP klienty v DNS a z tohoto a možná v kombinaci se statickými DHCP záznamy to vzniklo, netuším. Ale snad je to opravdu anomálie pouze u mně :slight_smile:

To je divné. Ty řádky generuje init script. Nevidím jak by se tam mohla dostat jen část řádky (z jednoho echo příkazu) – leda nějaký race, ale pro ten taky nevidím potenciál (ovšem je těžší ho úplně vyloučit na rychlý pohled).