Turris OS 3.11.15 is released out!

Dear Turris users,

We have released from the RC branch Turris OS 3.11.15. In this release, there are security updates for suricata and ppp and regular updates for nextcloud, turris-firewall-rules, unbound and lighttpd.

Release notes:
• suricata, ppp: security update
Fixes CVE-2019-18625 and CVE-2020-8597
• nextcloud, turris-firewall-rules, unbound, lighttpd: update

You should receive this update automatically and if you are using Approvals, you can find a notification in Updater tab. If you find out any issues, please let us know.

Enjoy the release



A post was split to a new topic: When new version of Turris OS 4.0 will be released

8 posts were split to a new topic: 0skar test fails in recent Turris OS 3.x releases