I just saw the new release v1.5 of netData, a system for monitoring Linux based serves (now also other OSes possible). This looks so damn juicy, I’d like to try it on the Omnia.
yesterday I installed netdata in an Ubuntu 16.04 LXC container running on turris omnia. It works nicely but I am not sure that it will gather all metrics of the host - but certainly most of them.
Thank you so much for sharing, took 5 mins to spin this up! I tried this and it looks nice, from your list apt-get install git is missing when I followed steps.
For my setup so far I see there is very little info about discs /proc/vmstats, the rest seems to be there.
Hello Pepe, where could it be find in TO? I tried to find it using LuCI -> Software -> Filter: netdata, but nothing was found opkg didn’t help as well - unknown package [nN]et[dD]ata
It’s the latest available on OpenWRT. I saw that there is already pull request for 1.5.0 on OpenWRT
Hopefully soon it will be merged and then I ask someone from Turris developers to merge. I hope it will be on test branch soon.
I installed it the latest version from git on Odroid U2 its really better. Nice progress!
Youre doing great job man.