Monitoring Omnia with NetData

From a security standpoint I would suggest restricting the access to the data on the internal network only and put in netdata.conf

bind socket to IP =

Can you please provide more details - for example as why?

I’m really curious, because as you can see in my preview you cant access Foris neither Luci, also you cant ssh into router (I have enabled ssh honeypot, so I have SSH access only in LAN).
Only what I have opened to network is netdata (on purpose of course) and you cant change anything there. So I dont see any danger when I opened it to network. :slight_smile:
And I cant understand why someone wants https for netdata (Ok, connection will be secure, but you dont enter any password to it and there isnt anything important, which should be encrypted ;-))
Also on Turris routers you have enabled firewall by default.

Layered security. If one layer fails you have still other layers to protect your system.

Try to access your public url and append


and you see what I mean :slight_smile:

any help to solve this probelm?

worked fine for me.
Install netdata via luci then open

An easy way to start is using cron.

Place a new file under /etc/cron.d/ with the following content and netdata is startet on every boot.

@reboot root /usr/sbin/netdata

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Thank you. I will add it to community documentation soon.

Simply and super… for dummies :slight_smile:

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As ktsaou mentioned, the available package is a bit dated. Version 1.8 is already released on openwrt.

Any chance to get an updated package with all the nice additions soon?


Version 1.9 was released a week ago. Any chance to get an updated package?

It would be really useful indeed as the shipped version does not support streaming (and it does not seems a good idea to store data on the router).

If you trust me, you can use version compiled from:

by adding:

Repository("", "", { verification = "cert" })
Install("netdata", { repository = {""} })


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I added your repo. Glad you have updated version with streaming.

Hello guys,
in the nightly branch you can find updated netdata to version 1.9.0.

It will be included in Turris OS 3.10.


Good to hear, since i have several problems with starting @fickk s version…

Sorry, I have not tested it. Actually I am using in /etc/updater/conf.d/user.lua

Repository("LEDE_snapshots_packages", "", { priority = 0, verification = "none" })
Install("netdata", { repository = {"LEDE_snapshots_packages"} })

Yes, this will download the one binary netdata consists of. When trying to start, it throws some errors of some directories not present (/var/log/netdata and so), and after creating these directories, it just outputs some stuff and quits then. Also, the --help output looks a lot more different than on netdata from openwrt repo

Is there an option to store the data from netdata on mounted disk/usb as in RRDTool?

So I have installed on lxc container on the ssd. Works great!


Have the same problem… This will get it to work, but I guess it needs to be fixed inte the package =)

uname -a
Turris 4.4.131-a2dbf3bef3d0c1f725e0a5f0801935a1-2 #1 SMP Fri May 4 08:55:10 CEST 2018 armv7l n

cat /etc/turris-version

opkg update
opkg install netdata

netdata -v
netdata 3.6-1092-gac0717d

netdata -D
2018-05-23 14:06:10: netdata FATAL: Cannot cd to directory ‘/var/cache/netdata’ # : Invalid argument
2018-05-23 14:06:10: netdata INFO : Cleaning up database [0 hosts(s)]…
2018-05-23 14:06:10: netdata INFO : netdata exiting. Bye bye…

mkdir /var/cache/netdata

netdata -D
2018-05-23 14:06:30: netdata FATAL: Cannot cd to directory ‘/var/lib/netdata’ # : Invalid argument
2018-05-23 14:06:30: netdata INFO : Cleaning up database [0 hosts(s)]…
2018-05-23 14:06:30: netdata INFO : netdata exiting. Bye bye…

mkdir /var/lib/netdata

netdata -D
2018-05-23 14:11:51: netdata FATAL: Cannot cd to directory ‘/var/log/netdata’ # : Invalid argument
2018-05-23 14:11:51: netdata INFO : Cleaning up database [0 hosts(s)]…
2018-05-23 14:11:51: netdata INFO : netdata exiting. Bye bye…

mkdir /var/log/netdata

netdata -D

tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -i netdata
2018-05-23 16:17:13 info netdata[30802]: Adjusted my Out-Of-Memory (OOM) score from 0 to 1000.
2018-05-23 16:17:13 err netdata[30802]: Cannot adjust netdata scheduling policy to idle (5), with priority 0. Falling back to nice
2018-05-23 16:17:13 info netdata[30802]: netdata started on pid 30802.
2018-05-23 16:17:13 crit netdata[30802]: Cannot create directory ‘/var/lib/netdata/registry’.
2018-05-23 16:17:13 info netdata[30802]: Cleaning up database [0 hosts(s)]…
2018-05-23 16:17:13 info netdata[30802]: netdata exiting. Bye bye…

mkdir /var/lib/netdata/registry

netdata -D
— NOTHING — BUT it doesn’t quit anymore… just hangs…

tail -f /var/log/messages | grep -i netdata
2018-05-23 16:18:40 info netdata[31085]: Adjusted my Out-Of-Memory (OOM) score from 0 to 1000.
2018-05-23 16:18:40 err netdata[31085]: Cannot adjust netdata scheduling policy to idle (5), with priority 0. Falling back to nice
2018-05-23 16:18:40 info netdata[31085]: netdata started on pid 31085.
2018-05-23 16:18:40 crit netdata[31085]: Cannot create unique machine id file ‘/var/lib/netdata/registry/’. Please fix this.
2018-05-23 16:18:40 info netdata[31085]: Cleaning up database [0 hosts(s)]…

touch /var/lib/netdata/registry/
chmod 777 /var/lib/netdata/registry/ (Yes, I know… )