Easy VPN client option in Omnia router?

Whilst the question has popped up frequently it would appear that the majority of TO’s OpenVPN users are deploying the server side rather than the client side.
Also LuCI (luci-app-openvpn) provides for setting up the OpenVPN client. It is not necessarily easier (and logically no less work) than doing it via SSH but that is somewhat owed to the way OpenVPN is to be configured (having to understand the implication of each option in the settings).
Certainly it would ease the client setup if there was an option to import the client setting published from the corresponding server.

Not sure what the schemantics of

decent and trustworthy

are supposed to be though?

Routing the outbound traffic from the router’s client(s) is not covered with the LuCI app, however there is VPN policy based routing possible? - #34 by stangri - SW help - Turris forum to assist with that.

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