Custom NAS box for turris omnia + 2xHDD


zaujímalo by to niekoho?

mám to aj v 3D pdf ale neviem to sem priložiť…

edit: 3D pdf link!KebV9A5aCQgy/assem5-pdf


I like! And interested in 1 or 2

Interetesting solution!

I would take it for Turris 1.x…

Will it be possible to have there 5.25" positions instead of 3.5"?

i have no pcb layout for turris 1x

Maybe it is there?

yes, there it is, we will see…

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Definitely would buy one. Please keep us posted. Might also consider additional drill-outs for the two cell radio antennae for those of us using that option; and an external wall/cabnet mount bracket for attaching all 5 antennae with cables but outside the metal rack itself.

if there will be a bigger interest, i can sure build one prototype for fit test, and then little serie for sale. we will see. this was only today exercise :slight_smile: i know that there are more holes needed, for 2,5" hdd too. This is only sketch

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my next goal is to build a custom NAS box, because i have none. But not tomorrow :smiley:

Mee to! :slight_smile: But what about power supply to harddisks (for Turris 1.x)?

It seems there will be enough space for this (we’re talking about it in this thread - cz only)

I think, that better is 1U power supply (for disks and Turris board together).

Hi, my new project :smiley:

Will be prototyped next week.

This is very special build for my own needs. I’m using 2 hdd’s via rear USB3


Laser cut, bending…

Bending is the most critical operation for all parts fit


… and white painting tomorrow…


yep… finished!


Where to buy ? :wink: And the 19" version is also very much appreciated :wink:

dear Cowgirl, i don’t plan to realize this or other NAS boxes for public selling, because it is very hard to fit 4 pieces together. 1 mm mismatch makes it totally unusable. For serial production you need to make at least 5 - 10 prototypes for preciously set up the machines and much of measurements for one type.
With 19" rack mount is the situation much easier, bigger tolerances are allowed and there is no so high need of look (only front face).
So if i get at least 5 orders for each type (Turris 1x and Omnia), i can realize this 1U box. Normally 1mm galvanized sheet, only front face painted in black. Price 40 € plus shipping by your choice from Slovakia. Yes, price is not low, but this is not a mass production. It can differ when you order 1000 pieces :smiley: This contains material, energies, my work, work of guy by laser, bender, painter… Without spacers for turris board, i have none. Holes with 3mm threads for mainboard are ok, i can put there nuts and bolts for spacing, when you need RJ45, price for 6 keystones CAT6 is 20 €. No cables, no power supply… etc

Osobne bych mel zajem o rack verzi na Turris 1.x

S tim se ovsem poji nekolik veci, kvuli kterym pisu.

  • Turris v1.x neumi napajet disky, je tedy potreba vyresit dalsi externi napajeni

  • vzhledem k tomu, ze je treba napajet uz vice veci, tak se mi jako nejvhodnejsi reseni jevi vyuziti nejakeho 1U zdroje, ktery by napajel jak samotny Turris, tak i disky. Navic by mohl byt uvnitr skrine.

  • vyvedene porty na celni panel povazuju za super napad, ty tebou nabizene keystony jsou jake presne? Slo by si zvolit i barvu (treba jiny pro WAN a jine pro LAN)?

  • a nakonec jedne napad, kdyz uz je k dispozici ten laser, tak co s nim rovnou vygravirovat popisky diod, konektoru, atd.?

externé napájanie nie je problém, na trhu je nepreberné množstvo zdrojov, napríklad takýchto, ktoré vedia dať 12 a 5 V.

Mám pocit, že prvé Turrisy boli len 12V, či??? Takže tam odpadne potreba ďalšieho typu napätia.
Konektory určite zvládne každý vypitvať zo starého počítača, niekde sa to tu už riešilo, neviem presne. Možno sa dá viac dozvedieť na nasledujúcom linku: :smiley:
Plus rozdvojky… (google)

Keystony ponúkam Cat6 myslím (nie Cat6a)

Iná farba nieje, len táto jedna. Nikto to nefarbí
Viem na DYMO vytlačiť nálepku s popismi pre RJ45 porty, žltú alebo bielu s čiernym písmom.
V najnovšej verzii racku mám diery aj na zadnej strane, ale myslím, že na prednej sú samozrejme logickejšie. Rovnako chcem vyviesť antény tiež vpredu, ale zachovať možnosť aj pre zadnú montáž.

Nad gravírovaním laserom som už rozmýšľal aj ja, ale keďže sa jedná o pozinkovaný plech, nie je to možné, asi nevieš či robí zinok pri rezaní či zváraní… proste to nejde. Ak by to bolo z antikorového plechu, šlo by to, ale ten stojí naozaj majland a zle sa ohýba, tadiaľ cesta nevedie. Nedajbože doňho vŕtať alebo rezať závity… čisté peklo

Takže popisy diód rovnako na DYMO páske…

ďalšie otázky rád zodpoviem.