You can't log in as jklaas from that IP address

I get the following message somewhat frequently trying to log into the forum:

You can’t log in as jklaas from that IP address.

Sometimes if I try again right away it works, sometimes I have to reload the page and try again. Then sometimes I have to wait a minute or two.

It’s not a big deal, but it seems odd.

Hi, I have the same problem.

Me too.
Instead of your username, you might try entering your email address.

I was actually using my email address. Though, my email address name is the same as my username. Not sure if that’s the problem.

I got the same message on my stationary computer at home last night.
I used my automatic fill in of credentials and it used my email address.
Yet the reply I got that my username was not allowed to log in from that IP.

At the moment I’m on my phone.

I tried to click on “Log In” button in logging form many times and it solved this problem.

Now I’m back home again and tried logging in.
No change to my system what so ever compared with yesterday and this time I was allowed to log in. Strange.

It is unstable. Sometimes I log in the first time, sometimes I have to try it several times.

Same thing here. Tried at work (browser auto-fill-in), tried at a friends place, tried at home. No luck either place.


Requested a new password. Got logged-in.


I just experienced that as well from my home IP which is mostly static, and using different browsers.

I then used a VPN proxy and was able to log in without a glitch.

Can someone shed some light?

Guys you’re right. I got the same error right now. After 3 times I’m logged in!

I think the priority for solving this problem is very small.

I agree, but it does tend to reflect on the image of Turris.

Experiencing the same issue. I login through github account.:disappointed:

Got the same again yesterday.
I then deleted two cookies for the forum and pressed login again.
This time it allowed me in.

This problem still exists.

Yes, it’s true. Unfortunately … :frowning:

Dear users,
I’m sorry that we are experiencing those problems. It’s because of bugs in Discourse (our forum SW) upstream. There is a new version on the way and we are planning to install it tomorrow, I have a faith that it’ll help.

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I am suddenly getting this problem trying to log in from work, though I was able to last week just fine. Fortunately I can still log in from home. Is there a real solution to this issue?

Yes … the same problem is here again. Unfortunately!