WTB - looking for NAS kit for Turris Omnia - Canada

Looking to buy this kit :

PM please, indicate shipping to Montreal, Canada.

Not in warehouse. You can try another shop: https://www.czc.cz/turris-omnia-nas-kit-pro-modely-rtrom01-xx-krabice-radic-kabely/281996/produkt?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6-SDBhCMARIsAGbI7Uip0EpXkVhyvud_LvD9VhdUYgY9QzalN2BmyGBV8zChcU-wy_KMw3kaAtJQEALw_wcB

Or here:

Or here:

with this cable that needs some modification to switch the order of the cables and was discussed somewhere on the forum:

Thank you, it’s unfortunate the site is not in English - I can’t understand a word so I can’t risk order.
The other sites are broken or require multiple purchases. I’d rather have the complete kit even if used.

They (czc.cz) apparently don’t have it in stock anyway.