Our Animal Farm presentation at WISPAMERICA 2022 - New Orleans, LA, USA.
Why was the event named as Animal Farm presentation?
Does that mean “All routers are equal, but some routers are more equal than others.”?
Good question, the answer from Cambium Networks is here
The name fits the branches of Turris OS
Since the @F.B answer made me even more intrigued, because it generated more questions than answer the actual question, I checked the Animal Farm term by myself.
It’s one set of commercial presentations on WISPAMERICA.
According to the video, it is based on Animal Farm Group (AFG), that was created as group of WISPs under the Motorola Canopy, where was given space to the members of AFG. If I understand correctly, nowdays it’s just official name of commercial presentations on WISPAMERICA of vendors (you can check their program where it is part of the event) .
Since I was not atendee of any WISPAwhatever event, I thought for some time, it is just a fancy word taken from some random presentation of actual Animal Farm Group presentation, but I was mistaken and it is just name given by the event itself.
Cool stuff, thanks for digging into this, @rosoll.
WISPA has shared PowerPoint presentations from the event. Feel free to go through it:
Our presentation is called “WA22 Animal Farm Turris.com”, there was another one Open Source related presentation called “WA22 Open-Source and Community Tools”…from other interesting stuff I can point You out to “WA22 Climate Resilience Certification” or “WA22 Net Neutrality Again”…but basically, everything else is worth the read, too.