Wireguard server with LAN+WAN tunnel config

I used Wireguard server for years on my previous OpenWRT router. Now I moved to a Turris Omnia and everything work perfectly like before except Wireguard server. I’m getting crazy, I have been trying for hours all possible options, check all post I could find, but it’s still not working.

I want to be able to connect remotely to my local network using the Wireguard server on the OpenWRT router, with access to local machines on the LAN, internet and my own local services with external access (via domain name). First I could access only my local machine when connected, then I could access internet (for a couple of minutes at least) but my own domain hosted locally where not accessible while connected with the tunnel, but now I’m stuck again with only local IPs. is the router local IP
mydomain.tld is replaced by a domain I own that point on my local IP and that is used for some services with a local machine.

Any clue what I’m doing wrong? I copied exactly like my old configuration that was working but still no luck.

OK I solved my issue by deleting everything and following this tutorial step by step (except I didn’t generate the keys in SSH, I did directly in the LuCI and I changed the port and IP for others).

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