Where to buy a compatible mPCI LTE Modem in Europe?

I noticed that the Quectel EC20 Mini PCI (https://www.turris.cz/doc/en/howto/lte_modem_install)
is hard to get in Europe.

Any suggestions?

This should work as well:


But it is pretty hard to get in Europe as well.

Thank you for the link.

In general, is there some compatibility list (which mPCI cards are supported) for OpenWrt?
A simple search for AirPrime or Quectel just revealed some low-level code changes on https://dev.openwrt.org.

I certainly did not have found any…mostly there are some lists about USB sticks, but not for mPCI stuff…
As most routers do not have any mPCI slots :wink:

i am bought here https://www.sos.sk/products/quectel/ec20-e-minipcie-2-182288 and work well

How about this one ?

Quectel EC20-E 4G LTE Mini PCIe module