What nightly job amends my WAN configuration?

Hi all,
I am running on Turris Omnia 6.5.2. I am using a fibre connection thus I had to create an interface with a VLAN.ID=848, and MTU=1492. It took me some time to set it up, but the setup was up and running for some days.
I woke up today and there was no internet in the house. I connected to my Turris and I noticed that some snapshot was created at night, which I think happens before some either update or some job is executed.

In ReToris, I see the following entry:
Snapshot created by Cron, and then of course the timestamp and the size.

Whatever that job was, it caused the following change:
@32/etc/config/network 2024-03-22 21:30:48.588802927 +0100
+++ @/etc/config/network 2024-03-24 07:44:30.671592057 +0100
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@
option device ‘@wan
option proto ‘dhcpv6’

-config device ‘dev_wan’
-option name ‘eth2.848’

config interface ‘VLAN848’
option device ‘eth2.848’
option proto ‘pppoe’

Can you advise what jobs are running at night? Is there any log for those? I checked my Lucy logs, but so far I have only the last two hours of log entries, the rest is gone, so I have no clue what happened at night. I checked my scheduled jobs in Lucy, but there is of course nothing.

Anyway, I had to rollback to the previous snapshot to restore my internet connection. I hope there is a reasonable explanation for that so that I can avoid those issues. Many thanks!

Ahoj, doporučuji nastavit schvalování automatických aktualizací. Potom by se nemělo nic podobného v noci stát.

To mám zapnuto celou dobu. Jakou to má souvislost s tím Cron jobem?

Snapshots created by Cron are time based. And they only do snapshot no changes.

I believe automatic update might have to do something with that.

Did you set up your WAN connection in Luci or Reforis?

I guess my WAN connection was set-up mostly in Luci. I have automated approval of the updates activated, but I did not get any notification about a new update being rolled out tonight. Things “only” stopped working.