And another thing is - I’m trying to understand the new internal switch config - /etc/config/network
WAN = eth2 [why not lan5?]
LAN = lan0 lan1 lan2 … [why not eth0?]
VLAN = lan0.3 [why not eth0.3?]
Why it is referenced sometime as ethX… and othertime as lanX…?
How can the processor determine, when sending data to the switch via eth0, whether it will reach lan0 or lan1 etc.? I mean when I have
oh ok, I didn’t know it is called DSA and couldn’t find anything relevant. It would deserve decent documentation published on WIKI. Who would think it is all described in “TOS4 Beta 4” thread…
Thanks for your feedback. We added it to our new documentation, which we are preparing and will be based on MkDocs. Any changes about new documentation you can see in our Git repository. Nobody yet asked us why names of interface eth1 and eth2 interfaces were reversed. In Turris OS 4.x and upcoming releases it is as it should be due to fixes in vanilla kernel.