snažím se zprovoznit vzdálené připojení Home Asistenta pro detekci přítomnosti pomocí HA ubus integrace, ale na turrisu je už ubus používán administrací a ubus nepodporuje více uživatelů.
Podařilo se tento problém někomu vyřešit? Děkuji
Hello cnr
Pardon, that I’m not speaking czech.
Does your problem still exist?
The UBUS bus system is built for simultaneous use by different agents. The user account used to access the “turris ubus” from home assistent must be validly configured within the turris node AND must have access rights to the relevant ubus objects (e.g. hostapd) in order to fetch and deliver the data.
What I notice when comparing the OpenWRT/HA integrations “luci” and “ubus” is that “luci” is counted more frequently and that there are fewer configuration steps.
Thus I tested the integration earlier with “luci-rpc” out of interest and had log messages to my WiFi clients, whose IP addresses are assigned using the Turris router, within < 1h.
Best regards