Updated to 5.1.0 and lost my package install options?

I just updated to 5.1.0 and after that I thought I would try ReForis again but there are not a single package to be installed from Foris.
Well a singel package is available and that’s the languages.
Nothing else.

Anyone else seeing this?

ReForis is now installed by default side by side with Foris, where we deprecated a few tabs to introduce more improvements. There is a warning notice in Foris that you should go to reForis.

More details can be found in my post here:

This is what I can see in Foris’s Updater tab:

Thank you for the link.

I read all that before updating as I thought ReForis would be installed by default. But for me it did not.
On the index page I have links to Foris LuCi and NetData.
In the package page on Foris there’s no ReForis to install.

How can I manually command ReForis over ssh to be installed? :slight_smile:

did a
opkg update
opkg install reforis

Configuring reforis.

Lets see :slight_smile:

Success :smiley:

Now I’m back in the game!

Didn’t you remove it with high priority? Anyway, in this case, I would like to have diagnostics to take a look at why it was not installed for you in the first place.

It has plugins and installing it manually is possible even though it can be complicated, but here you go:

opkg update && opkg install reforis reforis-diagnostics-plugin reforis-snapshots-plugin

Which diagnostics would you like to have?
All or some specifics?

Mostly interesting in Updater and messages.

I believe it was an old user.lua I had to clean up my reforis problems when going to 5.0 :slight_smile:

Now I’m a bit ashamed. I should have learned by now.

You don’t need to be. These simple mistakes sometimes happen to everybody. I’m glad that you figured it out!