TurrisOS 5.3.8, Turris Omnia
root@turris:~# opkg list | grep -i uclib
uclibcxx - 0.2.5-3
root@turris:~# opkg files uclibcxx
Package uclibcxx (0.2.5-3) is installed on root and has the following files:
root@turris:~# opkg depends uclibcxx
uclibcxx depends on:
root@turris:~# opkg whatdepends uclibcxx
Root set:
What depends on root set
iperf 2.0.13-1 depends on uclibcxx
This library does not implement any DNS functionality. However, this library is removed in future OpenWrt releases, like 22.03. Reasons to remove it were that the development is not active and some bugs are not fixed.