[Turris v1.1] - Lighhtpd auth module mod_authn_file.so

I have old Turris v1.1.
After yesterdays major update, I tried to login to web administration, but I reached only basic authentication popup. Since I was using basic auth as part of my lighttpd setup I trustfully entered several combinations of users / password combinations I am using on router and since none of them worked I started to investigate whats going on.
I realized soon, that my lighttpd server has problem with starting, throwing exception:
root@Turris:~# /etc/init.d/lighttpd restart 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog Syntax OK /usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_alias.so /usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_cgi.so 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (configfile-glue.c.47) DEPRECATED: don't set server options in conditionals, variable: server.errorlog 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (plugin.c.227) dlopen() failed for: /usr/lib/lighttpd/mod_authn_file.so File not found 2016-12-09 07:44:20: (server.c.912) loading plugins finally failed

And since nor http nor https server was up on router, I assume that I entered all my combinations into brand new http minipot… :frowning: Could you please confirm if this was what probably happened and if this means, that passwords I have entered has been already sent out and I have to stop using them now? Could you please share more technical details including used service for collecting password to it could be stopped / disabled? I made an attempt to find what is running on port 80 using netstat command but I was obviously unsuccessful assuming you want to avoid of conflict listening on same port.

Since I was using basic auth on my lighttpd setup before, I quickly found where the problem was:
in /etc/lighttpd/modules.d directory there was a 20-auth.load file which includes server.modules += ( "mod_auth" ) directive and I had to disable this resulting in lighttpd to run fine, but my obviously this leasves my internal pages I want to have secured unprotected now!
PS It seems to be bug described here: https://github.com/openwrt/packages/issues/3502

It’s really the source of the bug. The bug itself is somewhere in Turris infrastructure. As you can see here, the OpenWRT distribution now includes one more module called mod_authn_file. But Turris’ OpenWRT doesn’t include it for now(see here).

Yep, same problem here. Unfortunately seems that mod_auth and mod_authn are different one and not possible to get those easily…
Some idea for workaround?

Taken from Twitter:
“Hello. We’re working on this matter. It should be fixed during January.”

After update to Turris v3.5 I had to ssh into CLI and remove auth package using following command, since when package is installed, lighttpd is refusing to start again.
opkg remove lighttpd-mod-auth
I have probably installed that package, when I was debugging the problem in the middle of December.

Unfortunately this error is still alive, so we cannot use basic HTTP auth in embedded lighttpd web server. Turris team, please update your lighttpd-mod-auth package with new version from openwrt upstream. Package should includes mod_authn_file.so file which causing our errors.