Turris OS 6.2.3 is out!

  • Linux kernel updated to 5.15.90 and 5.10.164

Previous changelogs in the docs mentioned 5.15.x kernel update for Turris 1.x, was that rolled back to 5.10.x?

Do I get it right that Turris 1.x was rolled back to 5.10.x kernel?

If so, it might be a good idea to mention that in the docs changelog linked above and new releases forum posts as well, not just bury it inside a single previous release forum post. I just spent unproductive 30 minutes searching for why my kernel was “stuck” on 5.10, almost firing off a support email :wink:

Just something like “Linux kernel updated to 5.15.90 and 5.10.164 (Turris 1.x only)” would be much clearer and avoid any confusion.

EDIT: Found the post mentioning it. Sad eyes. Guess we Turris 1.x beggars can’t be choosers :wink:

Otherwise, 6.2.3 seems to work fine on my Bluey. Did a full medkit reinstall from scratch, since for some reason Bluey got stuck in some loop and I had to factory reset to the original 3.x OS, with the normal 3->5 update stalling, but the medkit way worked a charm…
