Turris OS 6.2.2 is now in the testing branch

Dear Turris community,

We prepared for you a new Turris OS 6.2.2 version.
This release is mostly interested for Turris MOX owners as there are fixed USB 3.0 ports and we looked at SDIO card as well. However, for SDIO card, there still applies Erratum. Also owners of different Turris devices will enjoy this release, too, because there is updated Linux kernel, RIPE SW Atlas Probe, unbound, snowflake, golang.

Highlights of this release:

:bug: Bug Fixes
• Fixed USB 3 port on Turris MOX module A
• Fixed SDIO card for Turris MOX

:pushpin: Updates
• Updater-ng updated to version 70.1.0
• RIPE Atlas Software Probe updated to 5080

If you find any bugs regarding this release, please let us know.