Turris OS 6.0 is now in HBT (Testing branch)

Since I updated to TOS 6.0, NetMetr is scheduled every 2hours. Last time that NetMetr was scheduled was in June 2020.
In ReForis Autostart is disable.

344 | time      |    11.04MiB | 2022-10-09 01:05:01 +0200 | Snapshot created by cron
346 | pre       |    11.76MiB | 2022-10-10 16:18:02 +0200 | Automatic pre-update snapshot (TurrisOS 6.0)

cat /mnt/snapshot-@344/etc/cron.d/netmetr 
00 	* 	* 	* 	* 	root	netmetr --autostart --dwlhist --rwait 1800 &

cat /mnt/snapshot-@346/etc/cron.d/netmetr 
00 	* 	* 	* 	* 	root	netmetr --autostart --dwlhist --syslog &

cat /mnt/snapshot-@344/etc/config/netmetr
config settings 'settings'
	option control_server 'control.netmetr.cz'
	option max_history_logs '10'
	option client 'HW-PROBE'
	option uuid 'xYxxYYxY-xYYx-YxYx-xxYY-xYYxYYxxxYYx'
	list hours_to_run '1'
	list hours_to_run '3'
	list hours_to_run '5'
	list hours_to_run '7'
	list hours_to_run '9'
	list hours_to_run '11'
	list hours_to_run '12'
	list hours_to_run '14'
	list hours_to_run '16'
	list hours_to_run '18'
	list hours_to_run '20'
	list hours_to_run '22'
	list hours_to_run '23'
	option autostart_enabled '0'
	option sync_code 'xYxYYxYxxYxx' 

diff /mnt/snapshot-@344/etc/config/netmetr  /mnt/snapshot-@346/etc/config/netmetr
> 	option autostart_delay '1858'
> 	option protocol_mode 'prefer_6'
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