Turris OS 6.0.2 is now released

like every command arguments have the same message at the end:

$ rainbow -h
Turris leds manipulation.

Usage: /usr/bin/rainbow [OPTION].. <OPERATION>...

  -p INT  Set priority to given led setting (in default 50 is used)
  -n STR  Slot name ('default' used if not specified)
  -l      List all available LEDs by name
  -x      Run in debug mode
  -h      Print this help text and exit

  reset       Reset rainbow state (wipe any runtime changes)
  brightness  Set upper limit on brightness of all leds
  all         Configure all available leds at once
  ledX        Where X is number (up to 12 on Omnia and 8 on 1.x)
  Configure specific led by name:
    wan lan-1 lan-2 lan-3 lan-4 lan-5 wlan power

Every operation has some additional arguments. You can list them by
passing -h option after specifying the operation.
reader_loop: bad jump: 8388608

$ rainbow led1 green auto
reader_loop: bad jump: 8388608

$ /etc/init.d/rainbow restart
reader_loop: bad jump: 8388608

If you need some stack trace or something, let me know how to get it, I am not a pythonist.