Turris OS 5.3.11 is in the testing branch

Dear Turris users,

It is a pleasure to let you know that there is a new Turris OS version in the testing branch.

This version includes:

If you would like to help us with testing this release, please follow this article in our documentation.

Any feedback is appreciated regarding this release.

MOX classic, HBK branch, .5 GB, 2x WiFi, simple config, all seems OK.
Note to boot problem: sw reboot hangs, hw reboot (power off/on) OK!
TO 2016, HBT branch, 2 GB, 2x WiFi, HaaS, RIPE Atlas, Sentinel, lxc, simple config, all seems OK (HaaS My Honeypot login not solved yet).

News from outer space.

After very long time, there was released another RC version of Turris OS 5.3.11. There are so many changes that I will probably miss all changes, which are there, so let’s do the summary:


Another RC is out! Well, nothing exciting, but a few more packages were compiled this time for Turris 1.x routers. :slight_smile: Looking at you samba36! :eyes:

Is OpenSSL being upgraded to v3?

OpenWrt uses in all branches OpenSSL 1.1.x, so do we. We don’t have any plans to update it to v3, but pull requests are welcome. :slight_smile:

MOX classic, HBK branch, .5 GB, 2x WiFi, simple config, all seems OK.

TO 2016, HBT branch, 2 GB, 2x WiFi, HaaS, RIPE Atlas, Sentinel, lxc, simple config, all seems OK (except problem with HaaS My Honeypot login).

Note there was a glitch after reboot of TO after update - one of radios was not working and missing in reForis, although it was present in LuCI. After another reboot both radios were present and working :wink:

About issue HaaS login website, I see that you are touch with @Stepan, who will help you on this one.

That’s interesting, but at least the router is working after reboot, which is not the best, but it works.

The last RC version of this release is out. Nothing interesting, but it needs to be released in this way to sync all OpenWrt feeds to be the same for all routers in the stable release.


I have a new notification: “inconsistent: Package suricata-bin requires package libnss that is not available.” What is it?


The thing is that package suricata-bin (pakon package list) requires a library called libnss, which is missing this time for the Turris MOX router due to some compile issues. Thanks for spotting this! :slight_smile: We will fix this in the upcoming RC, though. Hopefully, this time it will be really final RC. :crossed_fingers:

The same situation for me, all is working, but everyday message

inconsistent: Package suricata-bin requires package libnss that is not available.

Just note… the notification spamming everytime when turris refresh packages every ~4h. Hope that will be fixed ASAP.

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Yep, but I understand your feelings. Most likely, it will be fixed tomorrow.

In the meantime, there are two ways:
a) switch to HB(S)table
b) switch to HB(K)ittens

New RC version in HBT, which fixes missing libnss for Turris MOX.