Dear Turris community,
After several weeks of intensive testing and 4 release candidates, we have just released long-expected Turris OS version 5.2!
Your router will update itself automatically from Turris OS 4.x or 5.x version. Do not forget to approve that update in reForis Updater
tab if you use delayed or manual updates.
If you are running Turris OS 3.x, consider using optional migration, which was improved in this latest release.
We have been working on this feature release for some time, and I need to say this is one of our huge updates.
We prepared for you new features in reForis such as Overview, which provides you status about activated or disabled services such as Sentinel threat detection system, automatic updates, Dynamic firewall, connection test and speed test, etc. There is a new Storage plugin with RAID option, you can use an already prepared drive. You can fill Honeypot as a Service in its dedicated tab in reForis without using CLI. You can set your own hostname for the router in reForis and make a factory reset from it as well.
You might find interesting to install RIPE Atlas SW Probe and common passwords in Package management.
More and more devices lack an Ethernet port these days. To ease the first setup on such devices, we prepared initial Ethernetless configuration, but it requires updating the factory image version to Turris OS 5.2, which you can do by using a medkit.
The Dark side rises on the web and so our landing page called WebApps together with the documentation includes a dark theme as well! We hope that you will like it as we do!
Highlights in this release:
reForis features
- Overview tab
- Storage plugin with option for persistent system logs
- Factory reset from web interface
- Support for Honeypot as a Service (
- Add option to change hostname in reForis
- Fix DHCP range configuration check
- A few design improvements
- Ethernetless configuration
- WebApps: New graphical design with optional dark mode
- Turris MOX: Update firmware for SDIO card
- Add RIPE Atlas SW probe and common passwords as package lists
- Automatic installation of drivers for limited amount of LTE and DVB devices
- Fixed security XSS vulnerability in LuCI (CVE-2021-32019)
More details about this release can be found on our blog in both Czech and English variant.
Let me include a little insight to our development process. Along with working on previous Turris OS 5.1.x fixup releases, we started to work on this Turris OS 5.2 feature release on August already. There are more than 300 merged pull requests and 137 completed issues included in this release according to the milestone on our GitLab.
We would appreciate your voices regarding new features, which we prepared for you, and if you find any bugs, reach our technical support, and consult them there.