Turris OS 5.1.4 is in the Testing branch!

Dear Turris users,

We prepared for you a new version of Turris OS 5.1.4, which you can now find in the Testing branch.

What’s has been changed in this release?

  • There are improvements updated DNS rules based on DNS Flag Day 2020. Default EDNS buffer size is now 1232 bytes. This means updated packages for DNS resolvers - Unbound, Knot Resolver.
  • If you are using Nextcloud, we updated mariadb due to security vulnerabilities. Also, there are security fixes for php7.
  • You can find updated netmetr package and we updated package for diagnostics, where we improvement updater module.

How to test this release before it gets to the stable branch?

  • If you are using the HBT branch since earlier posts, you don’t need to do anything.
  • If you want to be part of our testing community, you need to use SSH and connect to your router. After logging in, freel free to proceed with following command, which takes you to the Testing branch.
switch-branch hbt

If you decide anytime to opt out from testing branch, you need to replace hbt with hbs according to our documentation.

We will appreciate any bug reports.


Known bugs:

- Cosmetic issue:
Mismatch of different Turris OS versions in /etc/turris-version and /etc/openwrt_release.
This is caused that package base-files was not updated. This package is versioned as you can see here by using two variables PKG_RELEASE and VERSION. PKG_RELEASE is stated in Makefile, but REVISION comes from commit hash of openwrt-19.07 branch. This was not changed during 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 RC1. You can compare it on repo.turris.cz, where you go to HBS and HBT folders and check git-hash file.

Hash of OpenWrt repository was not changed:

 * openwrt: 78c4c04dd7979a7f6d3cadeb1783b6c38d63b575

Because if you take look here:

there were no changes between 28th October and 10th November.

We don’t advise you to update base-files manually. In any case, don’t do that.
This is going to be fixed in Turris OS 5.1.4 RC2

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Isn’t the application of DNS flag day conclusions too fast?

The official “switch date” was October 1, though most parties don’t seem to do it exactly around that date (and there’s no real need to be precise).

Guys, in the Czech Republic, and also it depends on your timezone, we are releasing on 13th Friday the new RC version of Turris OS 5.1.4.

What has been changed?

With this release, there are no known bugs.

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MOX classic ,5 GB, minimal config, all seems to work.
Unfortunately reboot problem still persist :frowning:

We haven’t done anything about the reboot issue in this release and we are already aware of it and our kernel development team introduced a workaround that might help in some case, but it requires some knowledge to follow steps to try it. Unfortunately, we don’t know, why it does not work in your case, but please let’s leave this discussion elsewhere than here. You could use one of the threads, which are created on forum like this one Turris Mox powers down - #21 by mbehun - MOX hardware - Turris forum.

OK, I’ll cease to mention it till next major version :wink: