Turris OS 5.0.1 is now in the Testing branch!

Interesting, i keep having trouble with upnp. It does not start, also not in software in Luci. I have to keep doing that by SSH ?

by the way, after doing this :
/etc/init.d/miniupnpd enable
/etc/init.d/miniupnpd start

network traffic here in a lot faster?

I have my problem vice-versa … my OpenVPN works well in RC1, after upgrade TurrisOS to RC2 version and restarting UDP port 1194 is inaccessible.

Guys, sorry to hear that about your OpenVPN troubles. This issue is I would say still ongoing since Turris OS 3.x, unfortunately, and we will still need to tweak it. For now, I am not aware of any other workaround except doing a reboot or running /etc/init.d/openvpn restart.

You posted your comment during the weekend and I was able to get to it just now. Hopefully, you don’t mind a quick recap. You asked on 13th June, nothing wrong with that just for reference, and on the same day, there was updated adblock in OpenWrt master and 19.07 branch. Sometimes maintainer of adblock waits for a while before cherry-picking it to the stable branch that I have observed. Usually, the next day around morning, there is going to be HBK build with those latest changes from each related branch and you could have it sooner before it goes to RC version. After being there for hours/days it will be moved to HBT and lately to HBS (if not HBK→HBT again). So, it is already part of RC2, which is the final RC.

We are thinking about doing freezes for each branch for some time. What does it mean? There were several issues, which we met when we wanted to release a new version into HBT/HBS, because upstream did some changes and packages were not build or even worse, there were some troubles and now you need to wait for the build, which takes a few hours and so on. We will see how it goes.

Reboot doesn’t help … the UDP port 1194 is still inaccessible.

5.0.1 was released into the Stable branch.