Turris OS 4.0 beta1 is released!

I am concerned that sysntpd is not working, both client and server.

With the client side, which is most important, there is no indication in the logs that the time is being synchronized with the specified upstream servers, e.g. via /foris/config/main/time/ > Update Time.
Is there any way via cli to run the client and see the output, could not find any documentation?

→ This been sorted after discovery of the settings from 3.11.4 copied/pasted to 4.x not working.

With the server side up/running

ss -tulpn | grep ntp

udp UNCONN 0 0 *:123 : users:((“ntpd”,pid=10918,fd=3))

ntpq -p is producing

localhost: timed out, nothing received
***Request timed out

In addition the server should not be listening globally but on dhcp_interface, if list interface is omitted then on every interface or else on the specified interface. But apparently it does not.

Not sure whether it makes difference but this node is using odhcp for ipv4 and ipv6.