We are pleased to announce the release of Turris OS 4.0.2 is now available HBT (Testing) branch. This release is for Turris MOX and Turris Omnia routers. In this release, there is a new feature, which was requested here on the forum and we heard your voices.
In the About tab of administration interface Foris tab, you can now find details, which Turris OS branch you are using.
fixed autodetection of router address in Foris OpenVPN
irssi: updated to version 1.2.2, fix CVE-2019-15717
sudo: updated to version 1.8.28p1, fix CVE-2019-14287
bind: updated to version 9.11.11
openldap: updated to version 2.4.48, fix CVE-2019-13565
kernel: updated to version 4.14.151
libpcap: updated to version 1.9.1, fix CVE-2019-1516{1,2,3,4,5}
tcpdump: updated to version 4.9.3, fix multiple CVEs
python: updated to version 2.7.17
foris: updated to version 100.6
foris-controller: updated to version 1.0.6
python[3]-cryptography: fix CVE-2018-10903
enable RTC NVMEM access for Turris 1.x
ustream-ssl: CVE-2019-5101, CVE-2019-5102
iptables-geoip-mod: fixed compilation
and fixed issue that it can not open file for reading when you boot your Turris MOX from another Turris router, which was running Turris OS 4.x
If you would like to try this release, you need to switch to branch hbt with the following command in command-line interface:
switch-branch hbt
Any feedback regarding this release is appreciated.
After I updated to 4.0.X I just have a bricked mox, which get not listed over netboot-manager or elsewhere …
I realy need soon a solution for my problems withs netbooting MOX. 6 Month ago I received my “early bird MOX”. Under 3.11 I got him running after some investigations, but just for a week or two, then I had to make a factoryreset again to get him back online. Then I installed 4.0.x, because I hoped it will get better, but the result was, that he doesn´t work at all in the moment.
Hello there, running TurrisOS 4.0.2 99fcf8f / LuCI branch (git-19.305.00515-5a05075) on a Mox classic, and was wondering why adblock is working, but not loading the lists anymore. It does all work, but the result is 0. This is since a week or so?
Nov 8 07:18:11 turrisMOX adblock-3.5.5-2[29132]: blocklist with overall 0 domains loaded successfully (CZ.NIC Turris Mox Board, TurrisOS 4.0.2 99fcf8f/4.0.2)
znovu vyzkoušeno a funguje do té doby než uživatel ručně nainstaluje balíček wget, pkgupdate následně odstraní balíček wget a nahradí ho balíčkem wget-nossl
There were some changes for netboot tarball itself, but it is going to be fixed only when we release Turris OS 4.0.2 from Testing branch into Stable branch (hbs). As you can see in your output it downloads the tarball from hbs branch. If you would like in the meantime you can modify the source code of netboot (/etc/bin/netboot-manager) to download it from hbt, but those changes will be overridden by the update.
Je tohle dostupné už i pro turris 1.x ? TOS 4.0.1 (turris1x-medkit-latest.tar.gz) jsem zkoušel a updater mi skončil na nedustopnosti balíku kmod-mmc-fsl-p2020
Thank you, opkg remove wget-nossl resolved the fact opkg update was failing with the same error you quoted in your post. Also as mentioned above, the package will re-install itself with the next update unless you do something like this:
I stumbled upon that too recently. Try installing full wget
opkg install wget
wget package got removed from TOS base image at some point and unfortunately busybox’s wget doesn’t implement all command line options. I guess @dibdot should be notified as well and perhaps correct me if I am wrong.
Vývojáři pracují na tom, aby byla verze Turris OS 4.x+ dostupná také pro routery Turris 1.0 a Turris 1.1. Ačkoliv je v tuto chvíli možné nainstalovat Turris OS 4.x podle návodu, který byl zde zveřejněný v jiném vlákně, tak je pouze pro velmi zkušené uživatelé a není oficiálně podporovaný tedy mohou se objevit chyby a v některých případech je také možné, že může být potřeba sériová konzole.
Jakmile budeme spokojeni s podporou Turris OS 4.0+ na modrých routerech Turris, tak vám o tom dáme určitě vědět.
V této verzi (MOX) konečně začala fungovat vzdálená správa (přístup na dálku) ve Forisu prostřednictvím Omnie (Turris OS 3.11.8). Po mnoha verzích, kde vždy blikalo černé kolečko s občasným zobrazením otazníku nebo vykřičníku, bylo konečně možné touto cestou nastavit wi-fi síť.
Následně spojení přestalo znovu fungovat, ale to vyřešila ruční změna IP adresy v souboru “/etc/config/fosquitto”. Po nastavení wi-fi totiž MOX změnil svou MAC adresu a DHCP server Omnie mu přidělil IP novou. V příslušném souboru ale zůstala ta stará.
Prosím proto o opravu nebo informaci, že je v 3.11.9 RC již vyřešeno (tuto verzi jsem záměrně na Omnii nezkoušel, protože router používám v produkčním prostředí).