Turris OS 3.11.17 is released!

Dear Turris users,

We released a new Turris OS version 3.11.17 for Turris 1.x and Turris Omnia routers from RC to all of you. This release brings you mitigation for NXNSAttack in DNS resolvers as Knot Resolver, unbound, and bind. There are security fixes for samba4, krb5, and git and package updates for atlas-sw-probe, nextcloud, btrfs-progs, sentinel-dynfw-client and updater-ng.

• git, samba4, krb5, unbound, knot-resolver, bind: security update
• updater-ng, nextcloud, btrfs-progs, resolver-conf: update
• python3-msgpack, atlas-sw-probe, sentinel-dynfw-client: update

If you are using RIPE Atlas SW probe, it takes a few minutes and in some unique cases even hours to show connected probe on their website. We are investigating this issue.

When you are using Turris OS 3.x version, you should be updated to this version automatically. When you are using approvals, you can find a notification in the Updater tab.

If you will find any issues, please don’t hesitate and send an email to our Technical support department.

Enjoy the release.

Dump ap config, 1x R11e-2HPnD installed. Update went smooth, so far WiFi is working.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Turris OS 5.0 is released!

Why mwan3 wasn’t updated?

Did you check what has been updated on the mwan3 and how it has been updated? I don’t have any statistics on how many people have installed mwan3 on their routers and not even know how many people have modified the shell script in /usr/sbin/mwan3 or any other files which are not marked as configuration files. I am not interested in introducing to bring such changes by default for Turris OS 3.x release due to missing quotes as it is going to replace all modified and existing files with a new one with defaults. If you have installed mwan3, you will not receive any update, but if you install it now or force-reinstall it just now, you will receive a version with added missing quotes as it was pointed out in this issue:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Optional migration from Turris OS 3.x for advanced users