Turris OS 3.11.15 is in RC

Dear Turris users,

We released Turris OS version 3.11.15 as Release Candidate. In this release, you can find security updates for packages suricata and ppp and updates for nextcloud, turris-firewall-rules, unbound and lighttpd.

Release notes:
• suricata, ppp: security update
• nextcloud, turris-firewall-rules, unbound, lighttpd: update

When you decide to release this RC version, you need to run following command in SSH of your router: switch-branch rc.

Let us know about any bugs which you will find.


3 posts were split to a new topic: Turris OS 3.11.15 is in RC (before RC)

Turris 1.0, no problem.

TO 2GB, Simple config, WiFi, lxc, seems OK.