Turris OS 3.11.14 is in RC!

Dear Turris users,

We have just released Turris OS version 3.11.14 in RC. This release contains security fixes for opkg, which was updated to the latest version, which fixes CVE-2020-7982 and two package updates for youtube-dl and wireguard.

Release notes:
β€’ opkg: security update
β€’ wireguard, youtube-dl: update

When you decide to test this RC version, you need login to the SSH of your router and run following command: switch-branch rc and if you would like to go back to the latest stable version, you just need to replace rc with deploy.

We appreciate feedback for this RC release.


8 posts were split to a new topic: Update kernel in Turris OS 3.x series

TO, simple config, WiFi, Haas, seems OK

And it’s out! Thanks belongs to anyone who tested this release.