Turris OS 3.11.11 is in RC branch

Dear Turris users,

We just released version Turris OS 3.11.11 in RC! This release is mostly for Turris Omnia routers as there was found CVE-2019-19331 in Knot Resolver, which is fixed in this release.

Changelog for this release:
• knot-resolver: security update

If you decide to test this RC version, let us know about any bugs which you will find.


TO 2GB, WiFi, LXC, simple config, SFSG

Zde je pár slov o “vánočním” balíčku :slight_smile:
A few words about “Christmas” package is here


We’ve just released another RC, which contains one improvement for release notes. @vojtech.myslivec prepared for you one gift.

For Turris 1.x and Turris Omnia router, there is going to be installed christmas package, which can shine your router like Christmas tree. It’s written in Python (source code), you can change colors, modify values for the probability of turning led and so on.

More details can be found in community documentation:

We wish you a Merry Christmas!


Installed on my TO and now my MOX is working again from netboot! So I am happy about that.

Tried out the Christmas package tonight but my router is in the loft of the house so not visible but it looks pretty, perhaps the mice will enjoy it LOL

Merry Christmas :slight_smile:

And with Turris OS 3.11.10 netboot did not work?

My MOX stopped working and now is working, the difference was working before 3.11.10 and now working with 3.11.11 so I can only draw the conclusion that for me something broke my MOX netboot in 3.11.10