Turris OS 3.10 is out now!

I tried the command

wget https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/turris/turris-os-packages/raw/test/cznic/turris-cagen/files/cagen-status.sh -O /usr/bin/turris-cagen-status

but now the Omnia is stuck one step before at “genrating certificate authority”.
I tried several reboots and waited 1-2 days each time.

Turris OS version 3.10
Kernel version 4.4.131-a2dbf3bef3d0c1f725e0a5f0801935a1-2

Looks like the non-ECT messages are caused by upstream, Ubuntu has a similar topic for this (if I followed the thread correctly):


Did you find solution for this error message ?
Usually i have also this message : err server_uplink[]: Failed to download contract status before.

Also noticed this error, in the hourly rhythm.
Is there a solution to that?

Best regards

I’ve looked around and seems that this message we are getting is related to “send_test_packet” . Which pass thru and inform about it.

def send_test_packet(test_ip):
    logger.debug("Trying to send a testing packet (it should be blocked by the firewall).")
        logger.error("turris firewall rules might not be active")
    except socket.error as e:
        # sending should failed when the rules are applied
        logger.debug("Failed to send the testing packet (this is expected - blocked by firewall)")

Aside ‘/tmp/firewall-turris-status.txt’ seems to be fine (or not ?)

turris firewall working: yes
last working time: 2018-06-11 08:45:31+0000
last working timestamp: 1528706731
packet test working: no
last packet test success time: 2018-06-11 04:45:57+0200
last packet test success timestamp: 1528685157

How can i make “packet test working: no” to “yes” ? :slight_smile: Do i need to change something in ‘/etc/config/nikola’ ? (i never touch it).


package 'nikola’
config nikola 'main’
option debug false
#list wan_ifname eth2
#list wan6_ifname teredo
#option random_delay true

I had another issue with data-collection. Foris thought i did not agree with collecting the data after os update. Even if i put it to ‘/etc/config/lists’ manually with instant manual run of updater.sh (it was removed again). So after looking around the Turris forum (somewhere someone noted few tips… remove any other language package, keep “EN” only, disable data-collection, run updater.sh, enable data-collection again (validate your email again, agree with EULA, wait for next updater.sh run).