Turris Omnia - VLAN on TOS 4.x/5.x

Hi There,

its driving me mad I am still getting a DHCP address from vlan1 not vlan3 even after setting the pvid to 3 on lan15 and lan15.3

root@turris:/etc/config# bridge v show dev lan15
port vlan ids
lan15 1 Egress Untagged
3 PVID Egress Untagged

root@turris:/etc/config# bridge v show dev lan15.3
port vlan ids
lan15.3 1 PVID Egress Untagged

Any idea how to make this work?

What about these setings?

Interfaces > your_VLAN > Edit > DHCP Server and check that field which I have marked on screenshot (if there is another DHCP on your network, sometimes, it helps).

@michalko58 thank you, did not work.

What I did noticed on a MacOs laptop that the main adaptor got an ip on vlan1 and it also create a vlan adapter which recieved an IP on Vlan 3.

On a linux box I only get a VLAN1 address. I want to lock down the interface to be only on VLAN3.

Is this perhaps a MOX and not a TO since the latter has only 5 LAN ports but not 15?

Secondly, virtual interfaces are not the way for VLAN tag management of DSA ports (switch’s downstream ports).
Any/all VLAN tag management should be undertaken with the bridge v command only. Suggest you remove any all/any of those virtual interfaces on the DSA ports and reboot and then start from there (step by step) with the VLAN tag management.

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