After a pretty good uptime on 6.x my Turris 1.x just died today. Had to do a factory reset, which brought it back to Turris OS 3.8.5 recovery image, which is way old, full of bugs and unsupported.
Which kinda 100% broke everything and made it totally unrecoverable even onsite…
No SSH – sshd is not even running for some weird reason, not even visible in LuCI process list.
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
Even tried to run it manually via LuCI’s Command interface, not in the $PATH and not found. -
No internet – using PPPoE here, and nowhere to set VLAN ID, thus no connection. Backup internet through LTE or iPhone Hotspot not working either, because 3.8.5 doesn’t even support WPA2 out of the box and only supports WEP or unprotected WiFi which isn’t supported by anything else.
Without internet, no updates to at least latest 3.11.x. Without SSH, not even a chance to update manually via images if even possible on TOS 3.x without BTRFS.
No BTRFS, obviously, even though the SD card is there and was booting just before it borked. No way to start the btrfs_migrate script, since it doesn’t exist in 3.8.5, and cannot even do it manually, since no SSH.
Without BTRFS & SSH, no way to use schnapps to manually flash a 6.x HBS medkit.
Catch 22 – the router is as good as dead.
This is the second time this happened to me – the first time was a fucked up Turris OS 5.x update that bricked old Blue Turris 1.x, quickly corrected via a hot patch a day later. This time, it just died on its own for some reason.
The problem is that once you do a Factory Reset on Turris 1.x, you are stuck with 3.8.5. Which might not be able to connect to modern internet at all (FTTH, PPPoE, WPA3, …), thus not being able to update itself, a Catch 22.
And 3.8.5 does not have a working SSH (yes, I did set a root password for LuCI!), so you can’t even try installing stuff manually from a flash stick.
The only way I was able to recover was to go on‑prem and physically haul the router 10 km away where I could plug it behind a VDSL router where it was able to at least update itself to 3.11.x, where I could finally get in with SSH and run the BTRFS migration script again and upgrade to 6.x via the latest medkit.
Not the greatest way to spend the last day of 2023, though it could have been worse – the other location 10 km away was at least family premises, so it wasn’t all that wasted time…
Hence my questions:
A) Any possibility to update the Factory Reset Recovery Image in Turris 1.x from 3.8.5 to 3.11.6, or whatever is the latest 3.x, with all the packages and scripts? I am even open to flashing the EEPROM, or wherever is it stored. The default Factory Reset 3.8.5 image is just totally useless…
B) Any possibility to update it manually even without working SSH in 3.8.5? I guess I could still get in on‑prem via a serial cable? If so, any way to flash the 3.11.x image to it via a serial connection? Because a router that basically bricks itself on factory reset is kinda useless to me. Especially if some future 6.x possibly borks it again.
I could always buy a modern Microtik and chain the Turris behind it, I guess, but that kinda defeats the whole purpose – it still works great and this was the only second major outage after that single bad 5.x patch, and still serves its purpose great otherwise.
The Turris 1.x documentation is totally outdated and parts of it are even 404, with broken links (had to use Google Cache for fucks sake to find some docs), so asking here in the forums…