Trying out a mainline kernel on the Turris Omnia


Just tested out a 5.2.1 mainline kernel on my Turris Omnia 1GB, using the dtb file from Turris OS. It booted fine, but none of the ethernet ports reacted to any cable input, and in dmesg one of the three ethernet cards complained about wrong phy mode…

Does anyone know what’s needed to get the Turris booting on a mainline kernel?

That seems a bit contradictory. Is it booting and then crashing or is it booting but lacking connectivity on the ethernet ports?

Omnia should boot on mainline kernel. There are three things that still need to be worked on:

  • LEDs driver (this will be done once LED subsystems has RGB LEDs support in the mainline kernel)
  • multiCPU DSA: there are 2 ethernet controllers on CPU connected to the switch. Currently only one is used because mainline kernel DSA subsystem does not support multiCPU yet
  • SFP: mainline kernel does support SFP cage, but hotplugging is not supported because of the way SFP is wired on Omnia. On new TurrisOS this will work by having two device trees and U-Boot choosing which one to use: one will be used if SFP module is detected (armada-385-turris-omnia-sfp.dts) the other if not (armada-385-turris-omnia-phy.dts)

I also want Omnia and Mox to be supported fully by mainline kernel, so that users can install other Linux distributions by simply sticking an installation USB stick and booting it. There was already some work done on the LED driver (see, but the driver was not accepted and I decided that I will probably wait till the RGB LED class is created.


Neat, thanks for the reply! If there’s a branch on gitlab or somewhere were this is worked on, please do tell :slight_smile:

Got the turris openwrt kernel patches and swconfig working, so guess I’m good for now, but it would be extremely cool to have proper dsa support :slight_smile: