TOS6: Configuring the switch / using both eth0 and eth1

Hi there,

as an old indiegogo user of Omnia, I certainly remember the old difficult times with configuring the internal ETH switch. Anyways, I am now running TOS6 and have the following question: my understanding of is that there are two interfaces on the SoC attached to the switch, eth0 (-> Port5) and eth1(-> Port6). I wonder if I can somehow map one of these two eth ports directly to (say) the LAN4 port of the switch, while the other 4 ports will be accessed via the other eth port.

My background motivation: I replaced the eth2 WAN with a metallic SFP, and would like to use one of the LAN0-LAN4 ports for WAN via mapping it directly to eth0 or eth1

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While not tested myself. Have you tried …

In /etc/config/network

config interface 'wan'
    option ifname 'lan0'
    option proto 'dhcp'

config interface 'lan'
    option ifname 'lan1 lan2 lan3 lan4 eth2'
    option proto 'static'
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Normally you could use

ip link

To see which port is connected where. Normally it should be eth0 on lan4 and the rest of lan ports on eth1 but some update changes that so all the ports are linked to the same physical interface because its not solved yet to use DSA multi interface in OpenWRT.

I am on HBL but still TOS 6.0 and all ports are linked to eth1.

Edit: And with DSA you dont use eth0/eth1 at all just use lan4 for example as second interface for WAN

If you want to address a single port, you can use the lan0-lan4 ports as their own network devices. The DSA stuff figures out the rest for you.

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It seems that there was some misunderstanding. My problem is NOT called getting (say) LAN4 working as WAN and LAN0-LAN3 working as LAN (to that end, even LuCI allows to make this happen pretty easily). My problem is that from the bandwidth tests clearly my LAN and WAN now shares the same 1Gbit/s SoC<->switch connection (perhaps eth1?), and I feel there is a potential to utilize also the other SoC eth port.

The original question from @janvolec was different though.

According to the (no longer up to date) Turris documentation this is possible.

Anybody has any idea on how to do it?

Yes, this is indeed what I had in mind when talking about the old difficult times.

Thanks for sharing this info!

I checked today on TOS 7.1.0 and can confirm that all switch ports are linked to eth1 and trying to run

ip link set lan1 type dsa master eth0

results in

RTNETLINK answers: Not supported

which proves that kernel doesn’t support this operation.

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It was like that before TOS7, one of the eths had a single fixed port, and the other had 4 ports. Actually it is physically like that, one interface with 1 port and the other with 4 ports.