I have a turris omnia 1.1 with turris os version: 5.3.4.
My network is configurated as illustrated below.
┌───────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐ ┌────────┐
│ │LAN1 │ │LAN2 │ │
│ AP (tplink) ├──────┤ TURRIS OMNIA ├───────┤ NAS │
│ │ │ │ │ │
└───────────────┘ └────────────────┘ └────────┘
x x x x
xxxxxxxx xxxxx
x x x x
xxxxxx xxxxx
┌───┐ x ┌───┐
│ │ xx │ │
│ S │ ──────────────xxx │ S │
│ M │ xx │ M │
│ │ x │ │
└───┘ └───┘
(I don’t have changed the default network configuration (and “layout”) except the ip addresses.)
The issue is that when I do the following actions:
- connect to the TPLINK wifi network
- ping the NAS
- disconnect from the TPLINK wifi network
- connect to the turris omnia wifi network
I have to wait a few minutes (~5m?) to be able to ping the NAS again (because I don’t receive ARP replies). In the meanwhile the ARP replies received by the turris omnia switch chip seems to be dropped or forwarded to the tplink (but I cannot simply monitor traffic between the tplink and turris omnia.
What is the cause of the issue? The Forwarding Database Entry of the switch? How can I fix it?