Syslog-ng3 not available on Turris 5.2.7

I have just upgraded from Turris 3.21.1 to 5.2.7 - no issue.

Exception is syslog-ng:

chyba z 16. 09. 2021 14:44:31
Updater selhal:
inconsistent: Requested package syslog-ng3 that is not available.
Should I wait for the repository or should I look for another package to send the log to the syslog server?

Hello @kodl,

The package was just renamed to the proper naming such as syslog-ng. What you need to do is remove the package, which is not available in /etc/updater/conf.d/opkg-auto.lua based on our documentation.

It could happen that you installed it somehow manually by using opkg.

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