Hi everyone,
my Turris omnia has been running happily now for a long time, although I think there was some initial tweaking to get it to run, though IPv6 isn’t running, which I blame on the provider but might be my fault after all.
I am in Germany, on a providers cable router that is set to bridge mode.
Now I wanted to become the hero of the family and get us a sharing network drive. Installing the ssd and going through the reforis storage-module was fun, but since that I have turned into an ill-tempered wretch. Maybe one of you can help me.
What I’ve failed at so far:
- install nextcloud as suggested in the forums - can’t see the additional apps to install because of a curl error (61 I think it was, but I did not attempt to rebuild curl as suggested on https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/24136). But I fail to resolve the issue.
Nextcloud is usable though, but there seems to be an issue. and we really just need a drive to have our files accessible from every computer in the flat. So instead of a half-broken nextcould, I went for my next fail: - set up samba as detailed in the forums - restarting the samba daemon generates the following error log:
INTERNAL ERROR: open_sockets_smbd() failed in pid 25222 (4.18.8)
smbclient -L localhost
on the turris also returns a happy “no network interfaces found”
Usually I manage to solve my problems surfing the web and forums - thank you all. But this time I am so stuck, I am even having trouble catching all the forum addresses that I’ve visited.
And some of the posts seem relevant, but I am wondering whether following the hints for older samba-versions as in https://forum.turris.cz/t/failing-to-set-up-smb-samba/12862/17 would help
Does anyone have a hint towards how I could get the samba-share to work, or which settings I could’ve messed up on the way to my miconfiguration?
I am currently running TurrisOS 7.0.3.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated