Stuck on 3.6, how to update to 3.6.1?

I’m somehow stuck on 3.6, how can I move on to 3.6.1?

root@turris:~# cat /etc/config/updater

config pkglists 'pkglists'
        list lists 'api-token'
        list lists 'webcam'
        list lists 'netutils'
        list lists 'nas'
        list lists 'shell-utils'
        list lists 'lxc'
        list lists 'cacerts'
        list lists 'openvpn'
        list lists 'luci-controls'

config override 'override'
        option disable '0'
        option branch 'nightly'

WARN:Branch overriden to nightly
WARN:Script revision-specific not found, but ignoring its absence as requested
WARN:Script serial-specific not found, but ignoring its absence as requested
WARN:Lock on //var/lock/opkg.lock released by garbage collector

root@turris:~# cat /etc/turris-version
#config override 'override'
#         option disable '0'
#         option branch 'nightly'

Review /etc/config/updater-opkg and merge appropriate changes into /etc/config/updater.
Then, comment out the section named ‘override’, run $ opkg update
and then run $ ./

Ok, thanks. Just for my understanding, does that mean that nightly is somehow behind deploy branch?

unlikely, but your question was “how to update to 3.6.1?” which is the question that I answered.

Alright thanks, was just curious what commenting the override section actually did.