Storage plugin - revert back to internal storage

I’ve moved /srv to external flash drive using Storage plugin in Foris as available since version 3.10, that worked as expected.

But is there any official way how to revert this and move everything back to the router’s internal storage?

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Right now, I’m having the same question…

Is there already an answer to that?

@wladik, did you solve this issue?

Don’t use your internal storage for anything disk heavy since you are going to break the memory fast. If possible use external storage.

One way is commiting Factory Reset

Ok, I understand that, but normally I don’t have anything disk heavy.
I was testing this storage plugin with 3 USB flash drives, which isn’t very good for heavy disk usage either. (Anyway, thanks for the reminder)

@xsys: thanks for the suggestion.
It’s unfortunate that it should be a Factory Reset, but if no one else would have another way, I might do it like this.

I just found this issue, so I’ll maybe ask there if this would solve my question here. (It’s not very clear there)

Just as a general comment, a little bit more documentation would be nice (even if it’s only pointers to how you ‘might’ do it in command line).

And lastly, as ‘documentation’ of how things are not working like expected:

I have a working situation as visible in:

When I uncheck 1 of them (as suggested in docs>storage>multiple drives) and hit ‘Format & Set’, I get this error message (in Notifications):
Screenshot from 2020-08-03 14-50-31|690x147, 75%
If I try to uncheck them both before hitting ‘Format & Set’, just nothing happens.