SSH honeypot login error

My last record HaaS I have 2021-10-15 03:59:48. If I try to log in to the SSH honeypot myself, the login will end with an error. The difference between the two errors is in the “Password over kbdi fall back” setting, possibly with or without a password

SSH port on is opened, but did not asked for username/password:

2021-10-18 20:25:02 Looking up host for SSH connection
2021-10-18 20:25:02 Connecting to port 22
2021-10-18 20:25:02 We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.76
2021-10-18 20:25:02 Connected to
2021-10-18 20:25:02 Network error: Software caused connection abort

Is process “haas_proxy” running on your Turris?
Is it listening on port 2525?

root@turris:~# ps -ef|grep haas
root 7219 1 0 Oct06 ? 00:01:57 python3 -m haas_proxy --pidfile=/var/run/ --nodaemon haas_proxy --log-level=warning --device-token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --port=2525

root@turris:~# netstat -l -t -n -p|grep 7219
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 7219/python3

What about restart of “haas_proxy”?

/etc/init.d/haas-proxy restart

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HaaS is running

Such a problem with HaaS happened to me after a few years. Restart helped … I will have to schedule the HaaS restart again, as it was in the past. Now I thought it was a honeypot server problem, confused by me that port 22 was open to the WAN. Thanks for the quick response and help.

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