[SOLVED] AP isolated guest network

Hi, I checked lot of how-to, but I have no success. Is there some really working step-by-step how to make it working? Separated wifi guest network, where clients don’t see each other and are able only access internet. On older router there is simple checkbox “AP Isolation” for that, but not here in Luci web administration. I created separated wifi, sepaerated interface and separated firewall zone as well, but does not work, its a bit tricky.

Thanks for help.


Did you tried this - http://superuser.com/questions/272298/how-to-isolate-wlan-clients-in-openwrt ?

Well, there are only hints and not real solution. For more, I found out I cannot reach ssh, looks like service is not available.

See “Inability to log in to Turris Omnia via SSH” https://www.turris.cz/doc/en/troubleshooting/erratum

Can you post your /etc/config/netwrok?
According to Wireless configuration [Old OpenWrt Wiki], setting the option isolate in you interface section should be enough. Something like this:

config interface 'guest'
    option 'isolate' '1'
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Well finally i made it working.

For guest wifi is nice how-to also this one here. But because guest wifi has its own IP range (192.168.4.*), its necessary in guest interface DHCP Server --> Advanced Settings parameter DHCP-Options to set DNS to main gateway “6,” - otherwise no access to internet

Isolation i did in SSH via uci “uci add_list wireless.@wifi-iface[2].isolate=1”

Might help to others.



Isolation I set in UCI CLI as follows
"uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[2].isolate=1; uci commit wireless; wifi"
I added this
"uci set network.guest.force_link=1; uci commit network"
from the old forum
(only in Czech) from @Ondrej_Caletka.

thanks again